Category: Uncategorized (Page 2 of 3)

Historical Society Meeting (July 11)

Due to the July 4th holiday our next meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 11 at 6 PM at the Peter Paul House.

Among the topics to be discussed include our upcoming Road Rally/Scavenger Hunt, the publication of Seth Eastman’s Civil war diary as well as the premier viewing of a recent 1930’s quilt donation which features the names of the various Groton women who made it.

Please join us!

Volunteers Needed to Assist In Editing!

We are looking for volunteers to help us edit Seth Eastman’s Civil War Diary and prepare it for publication.  Volunteers must have Microsoft Word to assist.  Tasks will be assigned in groups of approximately 10 pages each.  Tasks will either be to compare transcribed text to the original document and supply missing information and/or remove extraneous information or to type new sections that have not yet been transcribed.  If you are interested, please email us at



Donut & Sugar On Snow Party on April 1

Join us for fun and festivities at our:

Donut & Sugar On Snow Party
Saturday, April 1
10:30 AM – Noon

Groton Historical Society
(at the Peter Paul House)
1203 Scott Highway
Groton VT

We will fire up the Glenwood cook stove, a deep fryer and an electric frying pan to fry donuts the old fashioned Groton way. Janet Page and Linda Nunn will show us how. Deane Page will make sugar on snow!

Holiday Open House Scheduled for December 10

The Groton Historical Society will be holding an Open House on Saturday, December 10th from 12 PM to 4 PM.  In addition to the opportunity to chat with neighbors and peruse Groton’s historical artifacts, the Open House will offer a variety of unique historical holiday gifts for sale including the newest edition of Mr. Glover’s Groton; hand-bound copies of Seth Eastman’s Civil War journal; copies of the story of Bristol Bill, Groton’s infamous counterfeiter; copies of “Through Our Neighbor’s Eyes” DVD featuring interviews with area residents and a unique 2017 historical calendar featuring pictures from old calendars given away by Groton businesses in the 1930’s and 1940’s.  In addition, there will be slices of pie for sale, baked potatoes with toppings and complimentary heated cider.  Come celebrate the holiday spirit and select some unique gifts for your Groton family and friends or those with ties to Groton!

april july

Walking Tour Map Available!

If you missed our walking tour of the Groton village center, you can access the map we used to get an idea of the properties we spoke about.  A brief description of each is also included.  The tour, of course, covered more information than is listed here but this will give you a sense of what was covered in the tour.

We hope to offer this tour again and expand further into the village with an additional tour in the future.

Click here for the map!



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