We are again indebted to General Hill, this time for his list of Groton soldiers in the War of 1812:

Andrew Carter
John Carter *
Russell Carter
Samuel Carter *
Timothy Carter
Moses Chase
Stephen Daniels
Ebenezer Fink *
Moses Frost *
Nehemiah Frost
 James Heath *
John Heath *
Moses Heath *
Moulton Heath*
Thomas Heath
John Frost
Obediah Low
Andrew McClary *
Benjamin Page *
John Page *Leverett Page *
James Taisey *
John Taisey *
Joseph Whitcher *
John Whitcher *

In the above list, the names marked with an asterisk are found in the official roster of Vermont troops in the War of 1812. One name appearing on the official list and not on Hill’s is that of Joseph Carter. Why all of those on the above list, certainly known by General Hill to have been in the service, were not included in the official roster, may possibly be accounted for from the fact that this roster was published as late as 1933 from several unrelated sources, thus obviously giving chance for omissions. It is said that of the men in General Hill’s list, Nehemiah Frost, Obediah Low, and Andrew Carter died in Burlington.

The following names are included in a Roster of Soldiers in War of 1812-1814 prepared and published under the direction of Herbert T. Johnson, Adjutant General, State of Vermont, 1933.

Carter, John Hosp. Attend. 1814
Carter, Joseph 30th Inf. 1814-15
Carter, Samuel 30th Inf. 1814-15
Heath, James Col. Fifield’s Reg.
Heath, John Drummer 1812
Heath, Moses Col. Fifield’s Reg. 1812-13
Cpl. Heath, Moulton Col. Fifield’s Reg 1812
McClary, Andrew Col. Fifield’s Reg 1812
Page, Benjamin Col. Fifield’s Reg 1812
Page, John Col. Fifield’s Reg 1812
Page, Leverett Col. Fifield’s Reg 1812
Taisey, John Col. Fifield’s Reg 1812
Whitcher, John Col. Fifield’s Reg 1812
Whitcher, Joseph Col. Fifield’s Reg 1812