National Archives
[Microcopy T-9, Roll 1342]
(Transcribed by J.
W. Benzie, for the
[The 1880 census gave the following information: address
(all Groton Town), name (family and given names), race
(all white), sex (Male or Female), age (years
at last birthday), relation (relationship to family head), civil
condition (Single, Married, Widowed, Divorced), occupation,
months not employed, health (blind, deaf and dumb, idiotic, insane, otherwise
disabled), education (attended school, cannot read, cannot write), and nativity
(birthplace of person, father and mother)].
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Hall Issac N M 71
M Farmer NH NH NH
Hall Louisa A. F
59 wife M Keeping house
ONeil Thomas M
16 S Laborer VT
Plummer R. S.
M 26 M Farmer VT VT VT
Plummer Louisa
F 29
wife M Keeping house Canada Canada Canada
Plummer Rosco
M 4
Plummer Louis
F 2
F 31 wife M Keeping house
Ida Mae F
11 daughter S At school
Mabel Jane F
3 daughter
Bliss E. O.
M 59 M Brick mason VT Conn
Lucy M. F
49 wife M
Keeping house VT NH VT
Laura E. F
13 daughter S At school
Heath Frank
M 45 S Cooper VT VT VT
Hall Thomas B. M 45
M Farmer VT NH VT
Elizabeth M.
F 43 M Keeping house VT Scotland VT
Isaac N. 2 M
9 son S
At school
George N. M
6 son S
At school
Sherburn J. A.
M 58 M
Meranda F
61 wife M
Keeping house VT Mass Mass
Ada J. F
29 daughter S School teacher
Herman R. M
24 son S
Commercial runner
Dow William M 70
F 64 wife M Keeping house VT
Randall Emerly
F 62 W Keeping house
Charles N. M
28 son Dentist
Clark B. F, M 30 M Boot & shoe maker
Emma J. F 31 wife M
Keeping house
Daniel F. M 11 son
S At school
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Frizzell C. H. M 34 M
Harness maker
Luellar F 32
wife M
Keeping house VT VT NH
F 14 daughter S At school
Elsworth M 6 son
S At school
Ida F
daughter S At school
Coffrin H. E. M 28
M Huckster VT VT VT
Emma J. F 31 wife M
Keeping house VT VT NH
Stuart Josephine F 22 boarder S Glove maker
Coffrin Josie E. F 3 daughter
Coffrin Albert W. M 25 boarder S Retail grocer
Coruth Dora H. F 54 M Keeping house
Addie M. F 11 daughter S At
Gibson A. J. M 32 M
Store keeper
dry goods & groceries
Dora H. F 31 wife M
Keeping house
Orlo E. M
6 son S At
Herbert M
4 son
Voulett Victor M 28 M Laborer
F 27 wife M
F 6 daughter S At school Canada Canada Canada
Valice F
5 daughter S
Victor Jr. M 4 son
Arthor M
3/12 son S
Taisey William M 63 M Farmer
Nancey F
wife M VT
Cresse I. F 24
Lamphire F. E. M 18 S Laborer VT VT VT
Taisey Phebe F 83 mother W Keeping house VT
Taisey G. W. M 38 M Farmer VT VT
Phebe A. F 29 wife M
Keeping house
M 6 son S At
Ervin G. M 2 son
Hatch Oscar C. M 24
M Laborer VT VT VT
Hannah F
wife M Keeping house
Delia E. F
3 daughter
Lovina M. F 48 wife M
Keeping house
F 18 daughter
Henry G. M 8 son
S At school
Meader John A. M 65 M House carpenter VT Maine [?]
Ann M. F
wife M Keeping house
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Hill Paul
M 24 M
Stone mason Canada Canada Canada
F 21 wife M
Keeping house Canada Ireland Canada
Ida F
daughter S
Coutia Edward M 79 father W Laborer Canada Canada [
Bigalow Joseph M 26 M Stone mason Canada Canada [France]
F 24 wife M
Keeping house
M 3 son S
F 1 daughter S VT
Roberts John M 78 M Retired farmer
Addeline F
58 wife M
Keeping house VT NH
Bigalow John C. M 42 M Laborer NH VT VT
May F 31 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
F 13 daughter S Canada NH VT
F 11 daughter S VT NH VT
Bigalow G. M. M 56 M Laborer VT VT VT
Percilar F 50 wife M
Keeping house VT VT VT
Francis M 18 son
S Canada VT VT
Wrinkle Betsey F 61 W Keeping house Mass. Mass. Mass.
F 33 daughter S
School teacher Mass. Ireland Mass.
Page F. M.
M 35 M
Lawyer VT VT VT
Laura E. F 26 wife M
Keeping house Conn. Mass Mass
Leslie W. M 2 son
S VT VT Conn
Welch Hosea 2d M 60
M Store keeper VT Maine VT
F 56 wife M
Keeping house VT Maine Maine
Hosea N. M 19 son
Jenna L. F 12
daughter S VT VT VT
Keenan Eliza A. F 23 W Keeping house VT VT VT
Earnest M
1 son S VT VT VT
Welch E. M.
M 28 M
Commercial runner VT VT VT
Julie E. F 28 wife M
Keeping house VT VT VT
Ralph W. M
5 son S VT VT VT
Kitchridge Lucina F 57 W Keeping house VT NY NH
M 21 son S
Laborer Mass VT VT
Ricker Mary F
boarder W VT NH
Kitchridge Edward M 24 M Laborer Mass VT NH
Arvilla F 24 wife M
Keeping house VT VT VT
Goodwin Celestia F 37 W Keeping house VT VT VT
M 5 son S VT VT VT
Flora B. F 1 daughter S NH VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Gates N. M.
M 59 M
Commercial runner NH NH NH
F 59 wife M
Keeping house Scotland Scotland
Grimshaw Anabel F 28 B W Boarder VT NH Scotland
Gove T. T.
F 49 W VT NH Mass
Minard Selden M 63 M Blacksmith VT Maine VT
Olive B. F 58 wife M
Keeping house VT Maine Maine
Cora E. F 21
daughter S VT VT VT
Freemont M 18 son
Smith F. P.
M 45 M Shoe
maker NH NH NH
Almira C. F 32 wife M
Keeping house VT VT VT
Elner L. F 9
daughter S VT NH VT
Birdie E. F 7 adopted S
Adopted VT VT VT
Nourse Azro M
50 M Laborer NH NH NH
Augusta F 40 wife M
Keeping house NH Mass NH
Lizzie F
daughter S At school NH NH Mass
Minnie F 8 daughter S NH NH Mass
Ricker Horace M 14 boarder S At school VT VT VT
Jennie F 12 boarder S At
school VT VT VT
Bondau L. A. M 47 M Laborer VT
Canada France
Jennett E. F 39 wife M
Keeping house VT VT VT
George L. M 20 son
Estella F 13
daughter S At school VT VT VT
Lettie M.L. F 11
daughter S At school VT VT VT
Dean S. F. M
50 M Clergyman NH NH NH
J. M.
F 41 wife M
Keeping house NH VT NH
E. E. M 19 son S NH NH NH
Jena A. F 14
daughter S At school VT NH NH
Silas W. M 12 son
S At school VT NH NH
F 10 daughter S At
school NH NH NH
Francis W. M 5 son
Dexter B. M 2 son
Scott George M
30 M Harness maker VT Scotland VT
A.F 25 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Evalona F 10 daughter S At
school VT VT VT
Clarrie J. F 8
daughter S At school VT VT VT
Florence E. F 6
daughter S At school VT VT VT
Charles M 4 daughter [son] S VT VT VT
F[?]2 daughter[?] S VT VT VT
Baby [Mary] F 6/12
daughter S VT VT VT
Emerson J. E. M 26 M Laborer VT
Loisa E. F 27 wife M
Keeping house VT Canada VT
Herbert W. M 5 son S VT NH Canada
George F. M 3 son S VT NH Canada
Maria E. F 1
daughter [S] VT NH Canada
Emerson Horace M 22 boarder S VT NH NH
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Orr William M 74
M Carpenter VT VT Ireland
F 30 wife [paralyses] M Keeping
house NH NH Mass
Brown Electa F
31 M Servant VT VT VT
Orr Martha F
61 W Keeping house VT VT VT
Fuller Eliza F 54 W Keeping house VT VT VT
Clark William F. M 62
M Farmer VT VT VT
Louise F
55 wife (blind) M
Keeping house VT VT [???]
Austin M
19 son S VT VT VT
M 19 son (paralyses)S VT VT VT
Augustia F 14 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Morrison S. B. M 46 M Blacksmith VT VT VT
Julia A. M 47 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Lydia J. F 14 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Mertey L F 3 daughter S VT VT VT
Eastman Joseph M 62 (deaf & dumb) M Retired farmer NH NH NH
Mary E. F 58 wife (epilepsy)M Keeping house Mass Mass Mass
Welch Aaron M 62 M Inn keeper VT VT VT
Charlotte F 58 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Clarance E. M 20 son S VT VT VT
Goodwin Winney F 14 servant S servant VT VT VT
Riley Michael M 45 boarder W Laborer Ireland Ireland Ireland
Glover F. W. M 44 M Carpenter VT VT VT
Lula F 9 boarder S At
school VT VT VT
John M
66 W Merchant VT Scotland Scotland
Orr Harvey H. M 43 M Farmer VT VT VT
Sarah V. F 27 wife M Keeping house VT VT Scotland
Clarance H. M 2 son S VT VT VT
Carpenter Curtis M 22 Laborer VT VT VT
Welch Nellie F 19 servant Servant VT VT VT
Carpenter A.J. M 47 M Lumberman VT VT Maine
Emerly F 36 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Herby M 17 son S VT VT VT
Minnie F 15 daughter S VT VT VT
Joseph M 12 son S At school VT VT VT
Peter W. M 9 son S At school VT VT VT
Suel C. M 7 son S At school VT VT VT
Flora I. F 2 daughter S VT VT VT
Warren M 1 son S VT VT VT
Adames E.J. F 58 W Keeping house VT Mass NH
Florence F 12 daughter S At
school VT VT VT
Eastman Seth N. M 36 M Physician VT Mass Mass
Evalona F 27 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Cyrus D. M 2 son S VT VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Family Given Sex
Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Millis Wesley J. M 45 M Farmer NY VT NH
Phebe F 36 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
George H. M 14 son S At school VT NY VT
Andrew A. M 10 son S At school VT NY VT
Elen A. F 8 daughter VT NY VT
Emery Timothy Jr. M 35 M Farmer VT VT Maine
Hannah J. F 30 wife M Keeping house VT Maine VT
Ammon M 13 son S At school VT VT VT
Eliza F 11 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Evalona F 9 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Thomas H. M 7 son S At school VT VT VT
Alford M 6 son S At school VT VT VT
Florence F 4 daughter S VT VT VT
Douglass M 2 son S VT VT VT
Emery Timothy M 73 W Farmer VT Maine Maine
Amy F 42 daughter W VT VT Maine
Emery Elbridge M 20 grandson S VT VT
Heath A. M. M 48 M Laborer VT NH NH
Hulda M. F 48 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Emma F 17 daughter S VT VT VT
Holt Ruth F 77 mother W NH NH NH
Bancroft H.B. M 24 boarder S Station agent VT VT VT
McGiff Micheal M 27 boarder S Laborer Ireland Ireland Ireland
Thomas M 28 S Laborer Ireland
Ireland Ireland
Renfrew A.P. M 51 M Grocer VT Scotland VT
Eliza J. F 37 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Anna E. F 14 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Lenard W. M 12 son S At school VT VT VT
Chrissie B. F 2 daughter S VT VT VT
Baby M
3/12 son S VT VT VT
Ricker Charles A. M 25 M Laborer VT VT VT
Charlotte F 20 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Jenness M
8/12 son S VT VT VT
Gray Barney M 29 M Laborer Canada Scotland Scotland
Ida F
20 wife M Keeping
house VT NH NH
Olney George M 39 M Harness maker Canada Canada Canada
Martha F 45 wife M Keeping house VT Maine VT
Ida M. F 21 daughter S chronic Rheumatism VT VT VT
Anny F 8 daughter S At
school VT VT VT
James Mary J. F 58 W Keeping house VT VT VT
Abby F 15 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Almon N. M 32 son M Laborer VT VT VT
Louisa F 31 wife M Keeping
house VT VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Downs F. P. M 26 M Painter VT VT VT
Nancy F 24 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Louisa F 2 daughter S VT VT VT
Whitcher Nelson M 64 M Farmer VT Maine Maine
Harriet F 64 wife M Keeping house NH NH NH
George M 14 servant S servant VT VT Scotland
Morrison Orrin M 50 M Farmer VT Maine VT
Mary F 47 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Clarrie F 14 daughter S VT VT VT
Jannie F 11 daughter S VT VT VT
Austin M 1 son S VT VT VT
Frost Mary F 45 W Keeping house VT VT VT
Elijah M 21 son S Laborer VT VT VT
James M 7 son S At
school VT VT VT
Daniels Andrew M 51 M Laborer Canada VT VT
Roxa F 42 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Hiram M 12 son S At school VT Canada VT
Jane F 10 daughter S At school VT Canada VT
Abby F 7 daughter S At school VT Canada VT
Henry M 5 son S VT Canada VT
Harwood M 3 son S son VT Canada VT
Welch Hosea Jr. M 55 M Farmer VT Maine Maine
Harriet F 56 wife M Keeping house VT Maine Maine
Florence F 23 daughter S VT VT VT
Ida M. F 17 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Efie E. F 11 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Page Mira F 54 boarder W Canada Maine VT
Millis David M 56 M Carpenter VT Scotland Scotland
Abby J. F 30 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Effie E. F 3 daughter S VT VT VT
Welch Warren M 28 M Manufacturer Mass VT VT
Maggie B. F 18 wife M Keeping house VT Scotland VT
Thomas L. M 2 son S VT Mass VT
Welch Loring M 24 brother S Manufacturer VT VT VT
Thurston Peter M 51 M Laborer VT VT VT
Page Alex M 22 S Laborer VT VT VT
Millis Frank M 17 S Laborer VT VT VT
Lizzie F 18 S Servant VT VT VT
Alvira F
47 M Keeping house VT VT VT
Welch Samuel P. M 36 M Groser VT VT VT
Abigail F 34 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Paul Aseneth F 8 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Welch Elzina F 7 daughter S At school Montana VT VT
Hannah F 5 daughter S At
school VT VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W
D Occupation Person Father Mother
Whitehill Moses H.M 34 M Lumberman VT VT VT
Ella F. F 22 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Harry F. M 5 son S At
school VT VT VT
Ricker Orson M 74 M Farmer VT NH VT
Lydia F 64 wife M Keeping house VT Scotland VT
Welch George M 17 S Servant VT VT VT
Sofrona F
20 S Servant VT VT VT
Welch Dolly F 69 W Keeping house VT Can NH
Holmes E. C. M 44 M Carpenter NH VT
Charlotte F 42 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Edwin J. M 13 son S At school VT NH VT
Ida F 8 daughter S At school VT NH VT
Effie F 6 daughter S At school VT NH VT
Hannah M. F 3/12 daughter S VT NH VT
Emily A. F 24 daughter S School
teacher VT VT VT
Wood Frank M 31 M Laborer Canada Canada Canada
Lumina F 25 wife M Keeping house Canada Canada Canada
Lewis M 4 son S VT Canada Canada
Pifa Solfur M 26 M Laborer Canada Canada Canada
Rosana F 31 wife M Keeping house Canada Canada Canada
Jane F 4 daughter S Canada Canada Canada
Albert M 3 son S VT Canada Canada
Baby M
4/12 son S VT Canada Canada
Morrison William M 67 M Stone mayson VT Maine NH
Charlotte F 61 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Lizza F 21 daughter S School teacher VT VT VT
Andrew M 18 son S VT VT VT
Stowell Lavina F 62 W Keeping house VT VT VT
Bonda Estella F 13 servant S VT VT VT
Blanchard Lyman M 27 M Laborer VT VT VT
Jennie F 22 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Jesse F 2 daughter S VT VT VT
Adams Zelma F 19
servant S VT VT VT
Coffrin Daniel M 58 (paralysis) M Deputy sheriff VT VT VT
Phily H. F 59 wife M Keeping house VT Ireland VT
Morris M 22 son S VT VT VT
Frost Martha F 16 servant S VT VT VT
Kirk M 7 grandson S At
school VT VT VT
Cory Sarah F 43 W Keeping house VT Maine VT
Anna Belle F 11 daughter S At school NH NH VT
Emily F 6 daughter S At
school VT NH VT
Frost Sofrona F 51 W Keeping house VT Maine VT
Goodwin Wm M 48 W Carpenter VT VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Taisey T. H. M 57 M Farmer VT Scotland VT
Helen F 54 M Keeping house VT Scotland Scotland
Amasa M 14 S VT VT VT
Morrill Isaac M 35 M Laborer VT VT VT
Emily F 32 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Alice F 9 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Berty M 3 son S VT VT VT
Haze William M 52 M Carpenter Conn Conn Conn
Fanny F 48 wife M Keeping house VT VT Maine
Haze William I. M 25 M Carpenter Conn Conn VT
Eliza F 21 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Berthy F 3 daughter S VT Conn VT
Nelson M
7/12 son S VT Conn VT
Heath Josiah M 59 M Laborer VT VT VT
Mary Jane F 49 wife M Keeping VT VT VT
Frank P. M 26 son S VT VT VT
Lovell E. A. M 58 M Farmer VT VT VT
Mary E. F 45 wife M Keeping
house VT VT VT
Crown C. C. M 53 M Farmer VT NH VT
Betsey F 59 wife M Keeping house VT Maine VT
Crown Orrin M 26 son M Farmer VT VT VT
Abby F 31 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Albert M 2 son S VT VT VT
Arclina F 24 daughter S VT VT VT
Franklin M 17 son S VT VT VT
Morrison Frank M 52 M Farmer VT Maine VT
Malissia F 50 wife M Keeping house Mass Mass Mass
George M
15 servant S VT VT VT
Ricker Mariba F 73 W Keeping house VT Maine Maine
Joseph M 40 son S Farmer VT VT VT
Helen L. F 26 daughter S VT VT VT
Orange M 3 son S VT Canada VT
Suell Francis M 26 M Laborer NH Canada Canada
Darling Samuel M 61 M Farmer VT NH Maine
Phebe F 67 wife M Keeping
house VT NH
Morrison Timothy M 52 W Farmer VT Maine VT
Malisie F 16 daughter S VT VT VT
Plummer Moses M 61 M Farmer VT Maine Maine
Sarah F 69 wife M Keeping house VT Maine Maine
Welch William M 18 S Laborer VT VT VT
Welch Ettie F 16 servant S VT VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Welch Lebius M 47 M Farmer VT VT VT
Martha M. F 25 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Jacob H. M 6 S At school VT VT VT
Heman E. M 3 S VT VT VT
Willson Isaac M 32 M Farmer VT VT VT
Caroline F 30 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
George M 11 son S At school VT VT VT
Levi M 9 son S At school VT VT VT
Althea F 6 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Robert B. M 9/12 son S VT VT VT
Willson Anna F 74 mother W VT Maine Maine
Vance Helen F 20 S School teacher VT VT VT
Orr John M 64 M Farmer VT VT Ireland
Christe A. F 65 wife M Keeping house VT Scotland Scotland
Olive F 30 daughter S VT VT VT
Phebe D. F 28 daughter S VT VT VT
Hooper Samuel M 72 M Farmer Maine Maine Maine
Harriet F 44 wife M Keeping
house VT VT VT
Julian Esta M 28 M Laborer NH VT
Nora F 31 wife M Keeping
house VT NH NH
Whitehill A.P. M 34 M Farmer VT VT Scotland
Emma F 32 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Nelson W. M 4 son S VT VT VT
Lund Rufus C. M 40 W Farmer VT VT NH
Percy A. M 10 son S VT VT VT
Hollis A. M 8 son S VT VT VT
Lewis E. M 5 son S VT VT VT
Whitehill William M 63 M Farmer VT Scotland VT
Ana F 63 wife M Keeping house Scotland Scotland Scotland
William A. M 22 S VT VT Scotland
Cata F 18 S VT VT Scotland
Dunn John M 41 M Farmer VT VT VT
Victory F 32 M Keeping house VT VT Scotland
Whitehill Susan F 42 M Keeping house VT VT VT
Dexter M 11 S At school VT VT VT
Margaret F 8 S At school VT VT VT
Rosa F 6 At
school VT VT VT
Orr William I. M 40 M Farmer VT VT VT
Margaret A. F 32 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
James M 76 father M VT Scotland Scotland
Margaret F 77 mother M VT Scotland Scotland
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Whitehill James R. M 32 S Farmer VT VT Scotland
Patten Susan F 36 [half-sister] M Keeping house VT VT VT
Robert M 5 S VT Canada VT
Neddy M 3 S VT Canada VT
Whitehill Peter M 79 W Farmer VT Scotland Scotland
Lydia F 32 [daughter] S Keeping house VT VT VT
Peter W. M 24 [son] S VT VT VT
Justin M. M 18 [son] S VT VT VT
Orr Chester M 44 M Farmer VT VT VT
Louisa F 33 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Pliny M. M 3 son S VT VT VT
Martha F 1 daughter S VT VT VT
Paul Ebenezer M 29 M Farmer VT VT VT
Carrie F 19 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Wormwood Rosa F 14 servant S VT VT VT
Whitehill Stephen O.M 19 Laborer VT VT VT
Paul Eseneth F 71 mother VT VT VT
Waterman H. L. M 47 M Farmer VT
Lucia A. F 42 wife M Keeping house NH Mass VT
Lucia E. F 15 daughter S VT VT NH
Alice E. F 9 daughter S At school VT VT NH
Josie M. F 7 daughter S At school VT VT NH
Brown Hannah F 80 aunt W NH
McMan John M 30 M Laborer Ireland Ireland Ireland
Mary F 31 wife M Keeping house Ireland Ireland Ireland
Margaret F 9 daughter S VT Ireland Ireland
Michael M 8 son S VT Ireland Ireland
Martin M 4 son S VT Ireland Ireland
Mary F 1 daughter S VT Ireland Ireland
Mary F 60 mother W Ireland Ireland Ireland
Wood Joseph M 30 S Laborer VT Canada Canada
Riley Pat M 30 S Laborer Ireland Ireland Ireland
William M 50 S Laborer Ireland Ireland Ireland
Chapine John M 31 M Laborer VT Canada
Lucottie F 22 wife M Keeping house VT VT
Albert L. M
2/12 son S VT VT
Rion Richard M 62 W Laborer Ireland
Ireland Ireland
Harris Nelson M 25 M Laborer VT VT NH
Emma F 24 wife M Keeping house NH NH NH
Fred M 2 S NH NH NH
Maud F
7/12 S NH NH NH
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Fox George W. M 29 M Laborer RI RI RI
Anna F 24 wife M Keeping house NH RI RI
Bell F 3 S NH RI NH
Morse Allace F 17 S School teacher VT VT Canada
Lynch Arthur M 44 M Book keeper Canada
Ireland Canada
McLane Thomas R. M 34 M Laborer Vermont
Emma F 26 wife M Keeping house Canada Scotland Scotland
William J. M 4 son Canada England Ireland
McLoud Ducan M 58 M Laborer Scotland Scotland Scotland
Andrews Horace M 47 M Laborer Canada Canada Canada
Martha J. F 42 wife M Keeping house NH NH NH
Nellie F 8 daughter S NH Canada NH
Charles M 7 son S NH Canada NH
Harry M 5 son S NH Canada NH
Forance M 3 son S NH Canada NH
McPherson Peter M 27 M Laborer Canada Ireland Ireland
Maggi F 30 wife M Keeping house Canada Ireland Ireland
Margaret F 2 daughter S NH Ireland Ireland
John M
4/12 son S NH Ireland Ireland
Therman A. J. M 48 M Laborer NH NH NH
Lawry J. F 38 wife M Keeping house NH VT VT
Lutie A. F 14 S NH NH NH
Clarrie B. F 12 S NH NH NH
Alviston L. F 10 S NH NH NH
Florance M. F 8 S NH NH NH
Ervin M 6 S NH NH NH
Gary Morris T. M 27 M Laborer NH NH NH
Edner F 21 wife M Laborer VT NH VT
Allice G. F 3 daughter S VT NH VT
Edith G. F
5/12 daughter S VT NH VT
Brown George M 20 M Laborer NH NH NH
Lizzie F 18 wife M Keeping
house Canada Ireland Canada
Bass Charles E. M 30 M Laborer NH NH NH
Jennie F 24 wife M Keeping house NH NH NH
Eddie M 3 son S NH NH NH
Pismuck Frank M 24 M Laborer NH NH NH
Victoria F 17 wife M Keeping
house Canada Canada Canada
Dickson William M 24 M Laborer Canada Canada Canada
Eliza F 19 wife M Keeping
house Canada Canada Canada
Willard Henry D. M 67 M Laborer VT England England
Sarah A. F 60 wife M Keeping house NY Mass Mass
Hill Ermma F 25 daughter M NY NY VT
Johnson George H. M 13 grandson S NY NY VT
Clarra E. F 8 granddaughter S NY NY VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Boutwell Henry M 39 M Laborer VT VT VT
Susan C. F 20 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Alace F 10 daughter S VT VT VT
Archie M 2 son S VT VT VT
Whitehill James M 61 M Farmer VT Scotland VT
Mahitable N. F 67 wife M Keeping house VT NH VT
Newton A. M 24 son S Farmer VT Vermont VT
Wormwood Thomas M 76 M Farmer VT VT VT
Harriet F 52 M Keeping house Canada Canada Canada
Padfield Fred M 28 M Laborer England England England
Mary F 25 wife M Keeping
house NH Conn NH
McLean John A. M 30 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
McLean James M 21 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
Randalls John M 32 M Laborer Canada Ireland Canada
Mack Henry M 40 W Laborer Canada Ireland England
Mills James M 20 S Blacksmith VT Scotland Scotland
Sellers William M 35 S Laborer VT NH Ireland
Devine Robert M 40 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
McAuley A. D. M 18 S Canada Ireland Ireland
McLeaud F. M 20 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
McDonald D. T. M 22 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
Walker James M 18 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
McLanan John M 18 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
Jessman Moses M 51 W Laborer NH Canada Canada
Beard Frank M 25 S Laborer VT VT VT
Good John M 24 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
McLeod D. A. M 25 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
Morrison Angus M 30 S Laborer Scotland Scotland
McDonal M. N. M 22 S Laborer Canada Ireland Ireland
McCoy D. R. M 20 S Laborer Canada Ireland Canada
Smith D. M 18 S Laborer Canada Canada VT
Morrison D. J. M 18 S Laborer Canada Canada VT
Kimball Henry M 19 S Laborer VT VT VT
Nicholson Lewis M 20 S Laborer VT NH NH
McCrea N. M 18 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
Penock F. M 18 S Laborer NH NH NH
McAmity D. M 20 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
McLeod J. F. M 30 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
Gillis A. M 21 S Laborer Canada Canada Ireland
McKay W. M 21 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
McLeane R. M 20 S Laborer Canada Scotland Canada
Mcleod R. R. M 18 S Laborer Canada Canada Ireland
McCelia H. D. M 20 S Laborer Canada Ireland Canada
Smith G. M 25 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
McMillers J. M 20 S Laborer Canada Canada Ireland
Leonard H. D. M 21 S Laborer Canada England Canada
McCaskall M. M 25 S Laborer Canada Ireland Ireland
McLeod M. M 20 S Laborer Canada England Ireland
Lineas John M 24 S Laborer England Canada Ireland
McLean A. T. M 18 S laborer Ireland Scotland England
McLeod D. W. M 20 S Laborer England Ireland Scotland
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Bailey Percival M 68 M Farmer VT VT NH
Almira F 62 M Keeping house VT Maine VT
Miron C. M 35 W VT VT VT
Page Benjamin M 65 M Farmer VT NH Maine
Betsey F 62 wife M Keeping house VT Maine Maine
Lucy J. F 19 daughter S VT VT VT
Ally J. M
10 servant S servant VT VT VT
Dussouth Adolph M 42 M Laborer Canada Canada Canada
Clairance F 35 wife M Keeping house Canada Canada Canada
Jane F 10 daughter S At school Canada Canada Canada
Noah M 8 son S At school Canada Canada Canada
Susan F 7 daughter S At school Canada Canada Canada
Alen M. F 6 daughter S Canada Canada Canada
Orchard F 4 daughter S Canada
Canada Canada
Eglestone Henry M 32 M Laborer VT VT VT
Nancy F 30 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Alice F 6 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Miron M 4 son S VT VT VT
Celista F 2 daughter S VT VT VT
Page George G. M 33 M VT VT Maine
Jane S. F 24 wife M Keeping house Ill VT Ill
Lillie F 8 daughter S At school VT VT Ill
Wallace M 5 son S VT VT Ill
Aaron M 3 son S VT VT Ill
Victor G. M 1 son S VT VT
Hatch Sabra F 81 mother W (Rheumatism) VT Maine Maine
Carpenter George M 31 M Sawyer VT VT Maine
Carrie F 31 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Jennie F 11 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Fredrick M 9 son S At school VT VT VT
Roney M 8 son S At school VT VT VT
Rosetta F 2 daughter S VT VT VT
Baby M
9/12 S VT VT VT
Ricker Isaac M. M 41 M Manufacture Lumber VT VT VT
Mary Jane F 36 wife M Keeping house VT Scotland VT
Carpenter Tailor M 34 S Laborer VT VT VT
Rand George M 31 S Sawyer NH NH NH
Liethhead Calvin M 31 M Farmer VT Scotland VT
Gilena F 32 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
William C. M 9 son S VT VT VT
Elbert A. M 7 son S VT VT VT
Charles E. M 5 son S VT VT VT
Welch A. G. M 28 M Farmer VT VT VT
Delia M. F 19 wife M Keeping
house VT VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Welch Jerimiah P. M 64 M Farmer VT Maine Maine
Rebeca D. F 57 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Monrow M 29 son S Farmer VT VT VT
Elcie F 6 granddaughter
S VT VT [?]
Morrison Abram M 32 M Farmer VT VT VT
Rufina F 28 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Nellie F 6 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Frank M
1/12 son S VT VT VT
Goodwin Thomas M 68 M Farmer Maine Maine Maine
Eliza F 69 wife M Keeping house VT Scotland VT
George K. M 15 grandson S VT VT VT
Mercia F 24 D VT VT VT
Stephen M 84 boarder VT NH NH
Goodwin G. W. M 32 M VT Maine VT
Harriet F 29 wife M Keeping house Canada Canada Canada
Mercy F 3 daughter S Canada VT Canada
Joseph W. M 1 son S Canada VT Canada
Alford M 12 boarder S At
school VT VT VT
Page Moses M 40 M Farmer VT VT Mass
Lydia N. F 39 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Morris C. M 13 son S At school VT VT VT
Chester M. M 10 son S At school VT VT VT
Eliza S. F 8 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Henrie F 6 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Hiram L.H. M 1 son S VT VT VT
Bowley George E. M 18 M Laborer VT VT VT
Hattie E. F 19 wife Keeping house VT VT VT
Frost B. M. M 46 M Farmer VT Maine Maine
Eliza J. F 32 wife M Keeping house VT VT NH
Josie E. F 8 daughter S At
school VT VT VT
Randall Mary J. F 70 W Keeping house VT VT VT
Samuel E. M 16 son S VT VT VT
Frost Aaron M 50 M Farmer VT Maine Maine
Rachel F 44 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Isaac M 17 son S VT VT VT
Mahala F 15 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Olive F 13 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Aaron Jr. M 11 son S At school VT VT VT
Orange M 8 son S At school VT VT VT
Adda F 5 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Charles M 2 son S VT VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Page Albert M 37 M Farmer VT VT VT
Mary F 36 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Newton H. M 14 son S At school VT VT VT
Horace A. M 12 son S At school VT VT VT
Lois J. F 10 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Herbert C. M 7 son S At school VT VT VT
Charles N. M 4 son S At
school VT VT VT
Francis M
58 M Clergyman VT VT VT
Morrison Charles M 31 M Farmer VT VT [?]
Jane F 31 wife M VT VT [?]
John M 3 son S VT VT [?]
Kidder Thomas M 52 M Farmer VT VT NH
Henretta F 37 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
James M. M 17 son S VT VT VT
Wilbur B. M 12 son S VT VT VT
Fannie N. F 4 daughter S VT VT VT
Chelos L. F 1 daughter S VT VT VT
Adaline F 23 servant S Servant VT VT VT
Kennison H. H. M 36 M Farmer NH NH NH
Emma F 34 wife M Keeping house NH Maine Maine
Leonard F. M 14 son S NH NH NH
Mary E. F 9 daughter S At school VT NH NH
Charles W. M 6 son S At school VT NH NH
Everett E.M. M 3 son S VT NH NH
E. L. M 15 boarder S School
teacher VT VT VT
Welch W. N. M 41 M Farmer VT VT VT
E. Jane F 27 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
E. Jane F 10 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Walter D. M 8 son S At school VT VT VT
Orange M 6 son S At school VT VT VT
Charles D. M
9/12 son S VT VT VT
Kensington Oliver M 34 M Farmer VT Mass VT
Mira F 29 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Nellie F 10 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Mary F 7 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Fred M 4 son S VT VT VT
Cassady Alex M 47 M Farmer Canada Ireland Canada
Flora J. F 40 wife M Keeping house VT Germany VT
Herbert J. M 18 son S Vermont
Effie F 13 daughter S At school VT Canada VT
James M. M 11 son S At school VT Canada VT
Philip M 7 son S At school VT Canada VT
Carrie F 3 daughter S VT Canada VT
Vance Henry M 31 M Farmer VT VT VT
Maria R. F 25 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Isaac R. M 4 son S VT VT VT
Abby B. F 1 daughter S VT VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Welch Stephen M 70 M Farmer VT Mass Mass
Caroline F 58 wife M Keeping house Maine Maine NH
Leverett M 20 son S VT Mass Maine
Elina F 15 servant S VT VT VT
Emery Mary J. F 39 W Keeping house VT VT Maine
Fred G. M 14 son S VT NH VT
Bert M 11 son S VT NH VT
Morrison John M 61 M Farmer VT Maine VT
Charlotte F 64 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Louisa F
25 daughter M VT VT VT
Welch C. H. M 26 M Pedler VT VT VT
Helen T. F 22 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Welch Willard M 22 brother S VT VT VT
Page William M 59 W Laborer VT Mass NH
Page John M 22 son M Blacksmith VT VT VT
Flora E. F 18 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Baby M
3/12 son S VT VT VT
Glover Henry C. M 34 M Farmer VT VT VT
Nancy E. F 29 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Waldo F. M 8/12 son S VT VT VT
Glover Otis M 69 M Farmer VT Maine Maine
Ester F 68 wife M Keeping
house VT NH NH
Roberts Daniel M 79 M Farmer Maine Maine Maine
Lucey F 76 wife M Keeping house Maine Maine Maine
Harriet F 63 daughter S VT Maine Maine
Josephine B. F 37 daughter S VT Maine Maine
Welch Alvin M 20 servant S VT VT VT
Butterfield Albert M 34 S Farmer VT VT VT
Sargent George M 22 servant S VT VT VT
Roben Nellie J. F 18 servant S VT VT Scotland
Hooper John M 73 M Retired farmer VT Maine Maine
Harriet F 60 wife M Keeping
house VT Scotland
Ricker George M 45 M Farmer VT VT VT
Nancy F 30 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Ronie M 13 son S VT VT VT
Samuel M 12 son S VT VT VT
Annabell F 10 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Hermond M 3 son S VT VT VT
Baby F
6/12 daughter S VT VT VT
McLaughlin Peter M 27 Farmer VT VT VT
Lucy A. F 26 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Julie J. F 2 S VT VT VT
Henry M
13 servant VT VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Emery Noah M 45 M Clock cleaner VT VT VT
Ester F 26 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Edwin M 15 son S VT VT VT
George M 11 son S VT VT VT
Warren N. M 7 son S VT VT VT
Naman M 1 son S VT VT VT
Neman M 1 son S VT VT VT
Welch Peter M 46 M Farmer VT VT VT
Elizabeth F 40 wife M Keeping house VT VT Maine
Olive E. F 13 daughter S At school VT VT Maine
Charles H. M 10 son S At school VT VT Maine
Catie F 7 daughter S At school VT VT Maine
Jennie T. F 5 daughter S At school VT VT Maine
Peter M 3 son S VT VT Maine
Whitehill James M 67 M Farmer VT Scotland VT
Hannah F 69 wife M Keeping house VT Conn Conn
Sarah F 29 daughter S VT VT VT
Randall J.W. M 59 M Farmer VT VT VT
Elizabeth B. F 47 wife M Keeping house VT VT NH
Sidney G. M 14 son S VT VT VT
Keenan E. F. M 60 M Farmer Ireland Ireland Ireland
Harriett F 61 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Susie E. F 22 daughter S School
teacher VT Ireland
Gibson A. M. M 31 M Farmer VT VT VT
Etta F 23 wife M Keeping house Mass NH VT
Ralph G. M 2 son S VT VT Mass
Brown William M 12 brother S VT Mass VT
David M 18 servant S VT VT
Coruth John M 79 (Rheumatism) W Farmer VT Scotland NH
Gilmore M 40 S Farmer VT VT VT
Stevens S.C. M 47 M Laborer VT VT VT
Stevens Lydia A. F 45 wife M Keeping house VT Scotland Scotland
David N. M 9 son S VT VT VT
Georgie A. F 1 daughter S VT VT VT
Stevens George N. M 20 son M Farmer VT VT VT
Hattie B. F 20 wife M Keeping
house VT VT VT
Brown John M 70 M Farmer VT Ireland Scotland
Olive F 65 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Henry M 30 son S Laborer VT VT VT
Bert M 27 son S Laborer Ill VT VT
Renfrew Meroa F 46 W Keeping house VT NH VT
Austin M 13 son S VT VT VT
John M 8 son S At school VT VT VT
Lillie B. F 4 daughter S VT VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Brown William M 27 M Farmer Ill VT VT
Minnie F 19 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Grant M 16 servant S VT VT VT
Hood Levi M 53 M Farmer VT VT VT
Laura F 51 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Arthur M 25 son M Laborer VT VT VT
Elsie F 17 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Herbert M 14 son S VT VT VT
Plummer Ebenezer M 61 M Farmer VT Maine VT
Anny F 60 wife M Keeping house VT Scotland VT
Plummer Samuel M 91 father W Maine Maine Maine
Samuel G. M 26 son M Farmer VT VT VT
Jannie F 24 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Ida M. F 14 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Jessie A. F 11/12 g.daughter S VT VT VT
Hodge H. W. M 19 S Laborer VT VT VT
Carter Allen M 36 M Farmer VT VT VT
Martha F 33 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Lillie F 13 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Daniel S. M 11 son S At school VT VT VT
Merrill W. M 8 son S VT VT VT
Louisa F 5 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Clarance M 2 son S VT VT VT
Annis Guardner M 58 M Farmer NH NH NH
Silvina F 56 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Jane F 23 daughter S VT NH VT
Richard M 21 son S VT NH VT
William M 19 son S VT NH VT
Silvanus M 17 son S VT NH VT
Mary F 9 daughter S At school VT NH VT
Charles M 6 son S At
school VT NH VT
Annis Moses M 25 M VT NH VT
Delie F 23 wife M VT VT VT
Hooper Jacob M 49 M Farmer VT Maine VT
Isabel F 39 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Stephen M 18 son S VT VT VT
Maggi F 16 daughter S VT VT VT
Amasa M 9 son S At school VT VT VT
Page Leverett H. M 42 M Laborer VT VT VT
Sarah F 21 wife M Keeping house Canada Canada Canada
Baby M 8/12 S VT VT Canada
Sanders James M 18 brother S Canada Canada Canada
Emma F 13 sister S Canada
Canada Canada
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Ricker A.H. M 49 M Business sawmill VT VT VT
Marsha D. F 45 wife M Keeping house NH NH NH
Edmund M 16 son S VT VT NH
Harry M. M 13 son S VT VT NH
Mary E. F 10 daughter S At school VT VT NH
Mariba E. F 7 S Boarding VT VT VT
Emery Simon M 34 S Farmer VT VT VT
Nancy F 73 [consumption] W Keeping
house VT Maine Maine
Emery Jeremiah M 46 M Farmer VT VT Maine
Drusila J. F 39 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
J. Elsworth M 12 son S At school VT VT VT
Ivy G. M 6 son S VT VT VT
Emmy F 4 daughter S VT VT VT
Emery John M 86 uncle W VT Maine Maine
Maple Frank M 27 M Laborer N York Canada Canada
Mary F 30 wife M Keeping house N York Canada Canada
Elizabeth F 3 daughter S N York NY NY
Lizzie F
2/12 daughter S NY NY NY
Larrow Fred M 43 M Laborer Canada Canada Canada
Adeline F 34 wife M Keeping house NY Canada Canada
Fred M 16 son S NY Canada NY
Delia F 13 daughter S NY Canada NY
Lovina F 11 daughter S NY Canada NY
Emmie F 8 daughter S NY Canada NY
Angeline F 5 daughter S NY Canada NY
Alex M 1 son S NY Canada NY
Bronson J. M 33 S Laborer Canada Canada Canada
Peter M 22 S Laborer NY Canada Canada
Hopkins E.W. M 38 M Book agent VT VT NH
Lonora E. F 31 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Frank E. M 6 son S At school VT VT VT
Harry N. M 5 son S At school VT VT VT
Nora N. F 3 daughter S VT VT VT
Darling J.R. M 56 M Farmer VT VT VT
Sarah M. F 53 wife M VT VT
John T. M 23 son S VT VT VT
R. Nelson M 21 son S VT VT VT
Emore E. M 19 son S VT VT VT
Walter B. M 16 son S VT VT VT
Heath B.F. M 60 M Farmer VT VT VT
Helen F 45 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Walter M 13 son S At school VT VT VT
Wilfred M 10 son S At school VT VT VT
Carlyle M 7 son S At school VT VT VT
Nora F 5 daughter S VT VT VT
Maxie M 2 son S VT VT VT
Taisey Jane F 24 daughter S VT VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Welch Abigail F 83 W Keeping house VT VT VT
Elizabeth F 69 W Laborer VT VT VT
Willey Ephram R. M 38 M Farmer VT VT VT
Susan S. F 36 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Rosie F 13 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Addie L. F 11 daughter S At
school VT VT VT
Welch Martha F 70 [Rheumatism] W Keeping house VT VT Maine
Morrison Timothy M 75 [Consumption] M Farmer VT Maine Maine
Sarah B. F 55 Wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Jackson R. M 22 son S VT VT VT
Martha J. F 19 daughter S VT VT VT
Austin N. M 18 son S VT VT VT
Sarah B. F 13 daughter S VT VT VT
Rhodes Betsey F 80 W Shaking palsey VT VT VT
Heath Jesse M 81 W Laborer VT Maine Maine
Marsh Josiah M 69 M Laborer VT VT VT
Mary H. F 68 wife M Keeping house VT Ireland Scotland
Hunter Rebecker F 29 daughter M VT VT VT
David E. M 2 son S VT VT VT
Pierce Charles N. M 68 Laborer VT VT VT
Martha T. F 49 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Edgar M 8 son S At
school VT VT VT
Noyes Eliza F 71 W Keeping house VT Scotland Scotland
Plummer William M 68 M Shoe & boot maker VT Maine VT
Olive F 69 wife M Keeping house Maine Maine Maine
Bancroft Emmy F 10 grandaughter S At school NH Mass Maine
George M 8 granson S AT school VT Mass Maine
Lulu F 5 grandaughter S VT Mass Maine
Heath James M. M 69 M Farmer VT NH RI
Christie F 70 wife M Keeping house VT Scotland VT
Mary J. F 27 daughter S VT VT VT
George M
23 S Laborer VT VT VT
Welch Ara M 69 W Farmer VT Maine Maine
Liza H. F 22 daughter S Keeping house VT VT VT
Frank M 19 S Laborer VT VT VT
Welch John M. M 44 M Farmer VT VT VT
Martha F 36 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Mary T. F 5 daughter S VT VT VT
Mabel E. F 1 daughter S VT VT VT
Baldwin John M 52 M Farmer VT VT NH
Maria F 36 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Lizzie M. F 3/12 daughter S VT VT VT
Plummer Hattie B. F 16 daughter S VT VT VT
Baldwin Betsey F 85 mother W NH VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Welch John H. M 50 M Farmer VT Maine Maine
Abigail F 48 wife M Keeping house VT Scotland Scotland
Flora F 16 daughter S VT VT VT
Henry M 14 son S VT VT VT
Nellie F 9 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Josie F 7 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Baxtter M 5 son S At
school VT VT VT
Clark Albert S. M 34 W Coal burner VT VT
Ettie May F 6 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Emmer A. F 1 daughter S VT VT VT
Lamoth A. B. F 18 servant Keeping house VT VT VT
Smith Hannah F 20 S Boarder VT VT VT
Michael M 16 S Laborer VT VT VT
Harvey John C. M 41 M VT VT Canada
Lydia H. F 36 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Phebe J. F 11 S At school VT VT VT
Weld Martin M 63 M Farmer NH NH VT
Emajene F 55 wife M Keeping house VT NH VT
Ella Mar F 31 daughter S [insanity] VT NH VT
Fuller M. M 20 son S VT NH VT
Clark Almon L. M 60 M Miller VT VT VT
Betsey F 56 wife M Keeping
house VT VT VT
Clark Horace G. M 35 M Wheelright VT VT VT
E. Jane F 35 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Almon N. M 12 son S At school VT VT VT
Ross I. M 8 son S At school VT VT VT
Lyle M 2 son S VT VT VT
Baby M
1/12 son S VT VT VT
Cronan Micheal M 37 M Laborer Ireland Ireland Ireland
Bridgett F 31 wife M Keeping
house VT Ireland Ireland
Heath Albro M 40 M Sawyer VT VT VT
Elcie F 22 wife M Keeping
house VT Scotland VT
Vance David M 72 M Farmer VT VT Maine
Louisa F 68 wife M Keeping
house VT VT VT
Darling Ira M 79 M Farmer VT Maine Maine
Ethlianda F 66 wife M Keeping house VT Maine Maine
Welch Joseph M 30 son-in-law M Farmer VT VT VT
Almira F 30 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Seth E. M 9 son S At school VT VT VT
Stephen M 4 son S At
school VT VT VT
Darling Nathan M 72 W VT Maine VT
Lodema F 26 daughter S Keeping house VT VT VT
Chloe B. F 3 grandaughter S VT VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Goodwin Abner M 49 M Farmer VT Maine VT
Elizabeth A.F 35 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Warren W. M 8 son S At school VT VT VT
Isaac H. M 4 son S VT VT VT
Bertha D. F 2 daughter S VT VT VT
Nathan A. M 17 S VT VT VT
Darling I.N.H. M 49 M Farmer VT VT VT
Roxanna F 44 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
George M 16 son S VT VT VT
William V. M 12 son S At school VT VT VT
Ettie F 7 daughter S At
school VT VT VT
Wormwood D. M 49 M Farmer VT VT VT
Cintha F 48 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Cinthia F 87 mother W VT NH Mass
Heath C.F. M 25 M Farmer VT VT VT
Mary F 25 wife M Keeping
house VT VT VT
Emery Obid M 37 M Farmer VT VT VT
Ella F 30 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Jeremiah M 12 son S At school VT VT VT
Ida F 6 daughter S At
school VT VT VT
Cunningham John M 25 M Laborer VT VT VT
Sarah F 22 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Anna M. F 9 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Henry M 6 son S At school VT VT VT
Jennie F 4 daughter S VT VT VT
Isabel F 1 daughter S VT VT VT
Goodwin Samuel D. M 42 M Farmer VT VT VT
Anna J. F 34 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Minnie F 17 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Ida F 12 daughter S At
school VT VT VT
Vance Norris C. M 43 M Farmer VT VT VT
Elizabeth M 46 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Mary F 12 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Emma J. F 10 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Carrie A. F 8 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Morris G. M 7 son S At school VT VT VT
Oakar B. M 5 son S VT VT VT
Vance G.H. M 28 M Farmer VT VT VT
Elizabeth F 26 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Alva N. M 1 son S VT VT VT
Darling John H. M 24 M Farmer VT VT VT
Pricilla F 20 wife M Keeping
house VT VT VT
Name Civil condition Place of birth
Given Sex Age Relation S M W D Occupation Person Father Mother
Clough Samuel B. M 64 M Farmer VT NH NH
Mary D. F 63 wife M Keeping house VT VT Scotland
Cora J. F 14 grandaughter S At school VT VT VT
Herman D. M 12 granson S At school VT VT VT
Eliry C. M 11 granson S At
school VT VT VT
Fifield S.B. M 49 M Farmer Maine Maine Maine
Caroline C. F 42 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Carrie M. F 13 sister S NH Maine NH
Evaline F 1 daughter S VT Maine VT
Darling Daniel R. M 31 M Sawyer VT VT VT
Caroline F 27 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Herbert A. M 7 son S At school VT VT VT
Lillian R. F 6 daughter S At
school VT VT VT
Frost Moses M 86 W Farmer Maine Maine Maine
Isaiah M 45 M Farmer VT Maine VT
Isabel F 22 wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
Peter M 6 son S At school VT VT VT
Safrona F 3 daughter S VT VT VT
Peter M 55 brother W House carpenter VT Maine VT
Louisa F 10 sister S At
school VT VT VT
Welch Carlos M 22 M VT VT VT
Mary F 22 wife M Keeping
house VT Scotland VT
Welch Timothy M 33 M Farmer VT VT VT
Lydia F 28 wife M Keeping house VT Scotland VT
Carrie F 10 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Linnie F 7 daughter S At school VT VT VT
Scott George M 68 father W Farmer Scotland Scotland Scotland
Coruth George M 62 M Farmer VT Scotland Scotland
Rachael F [70] wife M Keeping house VT VT VT
[blocked by certificate of completion of enumeration] VT VT VT
Received Oct. 4, 1880
Certificate of completion of enumeration
I certify that on the 30th day of June 1880, I completed the enumeration of the District assigned me and that the returns have been duly and truthfully made in accordance with law and my oath of office. /s/ Isaac N. Hall, Enumerator 45 Subdivision of Vermont.
Office address: Groton, Vermont