1910 U.S. Census Population Schedules  (Groton, Vermont

National Archives [Microcopy T-624, Roll 1613]

Groton Village - Enumeration District No. 42 enumerated by Fred H. White in April 1910

(Transcribed by J. W. Benzie, for the Groton Historical Society, March 2003)

Surname         Given              Relation          Sex      Age     Status Trade               Industry         

Welch              William             Head    . . . . . . M         27        M  7     Farmer             General farm
                        Rose M.           wife                  F          31        M  7     none
                        Joanna A.         daughter           F            3        S         . none
Vance              Clara L.            servant             F          20        S          House work     Private family

Ricker              Fred D.            Head                M         46        D         Sharpener         Granite shed
                        Jennie L.           mother-in-law   F          42        Wd      none

Renfrew           James B.          Head                M         40        M  2     Farmer             General farm
                       Gertrude           wife                  F          34        M  2     none
                        x                      daughter           F            0        S          none

Dunn                Eliza M.            Head                F          39        S          none
Clough             Harriet S.         servant             F         . 66        Wd      House work     Private family
                        Williard S.        boarder            M         24        S          Farm laborer    Working out

Whitehill           Cleon               Head                M         25        M  5     Barber              Village shop
                        Kate                 wife                  F          25        M  5     none
                        Kermit C.         son                   M           1        S          none

Beckley            Merton E.         Head                M         40        M 11    Electrician         Telephone lines
                        Lena                 wife                  F          33        M 11    none
                        Kenneth M.      son                   M           6        S          none

Tellier               Augustus H.      Head               M         36        M 13    Salesman          General store
                        Flora                wife                  F          32        M 13    none    
                        Mildred            daughter           F          12        S          none
                        Marcia             daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Hazel                daughter           F            9        S          none

Welch              Fred                 Head                M         24        M  1     Clerk             Hardware& plumbing
                        Mary D.           wife                  F          23        M  1     none

Clark                Ernest F.          Head                M         26        M  6     Granit               Stone
                        Minnie G.         wife                  F          27        M  6     none
                        Benjamin F.      son                   M           4        S          none
                        Emma J.           mother              F          61        Wd      none

Blanchard         Lee S.              Head                M         29        M  6     Merchant          General store
                        Elizabeth           wife                  F          32        M  6     none
                        George H.        son                   M           5        S          none

Welch              Helen M.          Head                F          52        Wd      Land lady         Village hotel

Sherry              Ralph D.           Head                M         41        M 20    Postmaster       Post Office
                        Abbie H.          wife                  F          40        M 20    Ast needle work Stamping
                        Paul D.             son                   M           9        S          none
Taisey              J. Harry            boarder            M         35        Wd      Mail carrier       Rural dist.

Darling             Jonathan R.      Head                M         86        M 60    Own income
                        Maria               wife                  F          83        M 60    none
Whitehill           Rose                servant             F          37        S          Housekeeper    Private family

Darling             Elmer E.           Head                M         48        M 23    Farmer             General farming
                        Minnie              wife                  F          46        M 23    none

Carpenter         Emily                Head                F          66        Wd      none
                        Warren             son                   M         31        S          Mail carrier       Rural
                        Gladys              granddaughter   F          10        S          none
Scott                Alfred               boarder            M         27        S          Harness maker Village shop

Darling             Nelson R.         Head                M         50        M 18    Dealer              Lumber
                        Valetta             wife                  F          48        M 18    none
                        Ruth M.            daughter           F          14        S          none
                        Evalona            daughter           F            6        S          none

Cowan             Garnet C.         Head                M         34        M  2     Dentist              General work
                        Thresa B.         wife                  F          26        M  2     none

Page                 Frank M.          Head                M         64        M 24    Lawyer             General practice
                        Roselia             wife                  F          63        M 24    none
                        Harold R.         son                   M         21        S          Mail carrier       Rural dist.

Wrinkle            Jennie S.           Head                F          60        S          none

Benzie              John                 Head                M         52        M 20    Dealer              Granite
                        Mary                wife                  F          51        M 20    none
                        James J.           son                   M         17        S          none
                        Corine              daughter           F          15        S          none

Smith                Ida M.              Head                F          41        D         Dress maker     At home
                        Grover C.         son                   M         17        S          Salesman          General store
                        Gerald E.          son                   M         16        S          none

Carpenter         Sewell C.         Head                M         37        Wd      Salesman          General store
                        Earl L.              son                   M         16        S          none
                        Eunice J.           daughter           F          14        S          none
                        Thrisa C.          daughter           F          12        S          none
                        Winona G.        daughter           F            2        S          none

Clark                George N.        Head                M         29        M  5     Carpenter         House
                        Lena                 wife                  F          27        M  5     none
                        Ross L.             son                   M           3        S          none
                        Horace C.        father                M         66        Wd      Wheel wright    Carriage shop
Sinclair             Agnes               mother-in-law   F          66        Wd      none

Downs             Frank P.           Head                M         55        Wd      Painter              Carriage & signs
                        Lousia              daughter           F          31        S          none
                        Katie                daughter           F          19        S          Teacher            Common school
                        Carrie               daughter           F          16        S          none
King                 Charles             boarder            M         22        S          Teacher            High School

Heath               Huldah             Head                F          77        Wd      none
Jones                Emma              granddaughter   F          20        S          none
Welton             Helen G.           boarder            F          24        S          Teacher           Common school
Corruth            Frank               boarder            M         46        Wd      Laborer            Odd jobs

Whitehill           Moses H.         Head                M         65        M 38    Laborer            Lumber yard
                        Ella G.              wife                  F          62        M 38    none

Morrison          Maggie J.         Head                F          44        S          Dress maker     At home
                        Orange G.        father                M         78        M 55    none
                        Elizabeth J.       mother              F          76        M 55    none
Markham         James J.           boarder            M         48        S          Manufacturer    Lumber

Taylor              Marivah            Head                F          37        M 20    House keeper   Private family
                        Jennie L.           daughter           F          19        S          Teacher            Common school
                        Agnes W.         daughter           F          16        S          none
                        Harold O.         son                   M         10        S          none
                        Mildred L.        daughter           F            8        S          none
                        Merle R.           son                   M           4        S          none

Coffrin              Morris D.         Head                M         52        M 24    Merchant          Furniture&clothing
                        Lenora             wife                  F          53        M 24    none

Hendry             Clarence H.      Head                M         42        M 12    Cutter & dealer  Granite
                        Flora B.            wife                  F          30        M 12    none
                        Clinton H.         son                   M         11        S          none
                        Kathleen E.      daughter           F            8        S          none
                        George A.     . father              M         [?]       Wd       none  

Whitehill          William            Head                M         52        M         Farmer            General farm
                        Mary J.            wife                 F          57        M         none

Johnson           Clarence H.     Head                M         49        M         Sawyer                   Band saw
                        Nellie A.          wife                 F          35        M         none
                        Mable              daughter          F          17        S          none
                        Linnie              daughter          F          15        S          none
                        Hazel               daughter          F            6        S          none

Ricker              Charles            Head                M         55        M         Farmer            General farm
                        Charlotte         wife                 F          49        M         none
                        Virginia           daughter          F          18        S          none
                        Isaac                son                   M         15        S          none
                        Irene                daughter          F          12        S          none
                        Katherine        daughter          F          10        S          none
                        Everett            son                   M           7        S          none     

. . . . [*Note: italisized were blurred images interpreted with the aid of family records collected by GHS]

Welch              Samuel P.         Head                M         66        M 24    Own income
                        Cora E.            wife                  F          50        M 24    none

Clark                Albert S.          Head                M         63        M 29    Farmer             Berry farm
                        Anna B.            wife                  F          47        M 29    Dress maker     At home

Hall                  John D.            Head                M         43        M 24    Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        Annie               wife                  F          43        M 24    none
Burnett             Robenia            daughter           F          23        M  3     none
                        Alexander         son-in-law        M         24        M  3     Stone cutter      Granite shed
Hall                  David M.          son                   M         21        S          Sharpener         Granite shed
                        Alexander         son                   M         16        S          none
                        John D. Jr.        son                   M         11        S          none
Burnett             Robena A.        granddaughter   F            2        S          none

Bone                John                 Head                M         72        M  3     Chopper           Lumber camp
                        Ardell               wife                  F          60        M  3     none

Blanchard         Roy B.             Head                M         27        M  4     Laborer            Saw mill
                        Norma             wife                  F          26        M  4     none
                        Lyman              son                   M           2        S          none
                        Lawrence         son                   M           1        S          none

Thurston           Ora E.             Head                M         50        M 26    Laborer            Bobbin shop
                        Isabell              wife                  F          42        M 26    none
                        Vira J.              daughter           F          13        S          none
                        Leslie D.           son                   M         11        S          none
                        Peter W.          son                   M           7        S          none

McCrillis          Frank D.          Head                M         47        M 23    Manufacturer    Lumber
                        Carrie E.          wife                  F          43        M 23    none
                        Abbie J.           daughter           F          18        S          none

Darling             John H.            Head                M         54        M 33    Farmer             General farm
                        Priscilla J.         wife                  F          50        M 33    none
                        Grace               daughter           F          16        S          none
                        Zelma               daughter           F          13        S          none

Harris               Fred P.             Head                M         43        M 12    Teamster          Lumber team
                        Emma E.          wife                  F          42        M 12    none

Whitehill           Dexter M.        Head                M         41        M 19    Laborer            Odd jobs
                        Susie                wife                  F          40        M 19    none
                        Millie J.            daughter           F          17        S          none
                        Christie E.        daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Lena R.            daughter           F            2        S          none

Keeenan           Lewis E.           Head                M         30        M  5     Mail carrier       Rural
                        Harriet              wife                  F          25        M  5     none
                        Albert L.          son                   M           1        S          none

Rogers             James H.          Head                M         57        M 11    Carpenter         House
                        Carrie B.          wife                  F          47        M 11    Dress maker     At home
                        Winnieford       daughter           F          10        S          none

Frost                Stephen            Head                M         27        M  2     Laborer            Railroad
                        Katie M.          wife                  F          28        M  2     none

Blanchard         Lyman F.          Head                M         57        M 33    Farmer             Milk farm
                        Jennie               wife                  F          50        M 33    none
                        Bessie              daughter           F          23        S          Sales lady         General store
                        Marion             daughter           F          21        S          none
                        Ira                    son                   M         18        S          none

Smith                Donald J.          Head                M         48        M 25    Quarryman       Granite
                        Mary L.            wife                  F          45        M 25    none
                        Donald J.          son                   M         23        S          none
                        Helen R.           daughter           F          21        S          Teacher            Common school
                        Louisa M.         daughter           F          16        S          none
                        William J.         son                   M         14        S          Laborer            Working out
                        John E.             son                   M         12        S          none
                        George A.        son                   M         10        S          none
                        Robert A.         son                   M           8        S          none
                        Alfred H.          son                   M           5        S          none
Stevenson         Louisa              mother-in-law   F          72        Wd      Needlework     Knitting etc.

Dennis              Richard W.      Head                M         47        M 27    Farm laborer    Working out
                        Victoria            wife                  F          45        M 27    none
                        Jennie B.          daughter           F          13        S          none

Burton              James               Head                M         71        M 40    Farmer             General farm
                        Mary J.            wife                  F          58        M 40    none
Vance              Marietta           daughter           F          36        M 12    none
                        Joseph E.         son-in-law        M         55        M 12    Quarryman       Granite
                        Alvin J.             grandson          M           8        S          none
                        Marsha J.         granddaughter   F            2        S          none

Eastman           Bernard S.        Head                M         29        M  7     Merchant          General store
                        Alice G.            wife                  F          28        M  7     none
                        Cyrus D.          son                   M           4        S          none
                        Seth N.            father                M         66        Wd      Own income

Smith                Preston A.        Head                M         51        M 22    Clergyman        Methodist
                        Jennie F.           wife                  F          46        M 22    none

Davidson          Robert A.         Head                M         30        M  1     Miller               Grain mill
                        Annie B.           wife                  F          24        M  1     none
                        Ida M.              daughter           F            1        S          none
                        Alexander         father                M         66        Wd      Own income
Heath               Robert              brother-in-law  M         24        S          Laborer            Grain mill
                        Jane                 sister-in-law      F          15        S          none

Ricker              Edmund D.       Head                M         46        M 24    Merchant          General store
                        Phebe J.           wife                  F          41        M 24    none
                        Carroll E.         son                   M         18        S          Salesman          General store
Harvey             Lydia                mother-in-law   F          66        Wd      none

Kendrick          Arthur E.          Head                M         33        M 10    Buttermaker     Creamery
                        Robina             wife                  F          30        M 10    none
                        John R.             son                   M           9        S          none
                        James B.          son                   M           7        S          none
                        Arthur G.          son                   M           5        S          none
                        Russell S.         son                   M           2        S          none

Williams           Frank B.           Head                M         56        Wd      Farm laborer    Working out
                        Ralph H.           son                   M         22        S          Farm laborer    Working out
                        Lilla C.             daughter           F          13        S          none
                        Fred F.             son                   M           7        S          none

Hall                  I. Newton         Head                M         39        M 17    Farmer             General farm
                        Mattie A.          wife                  F          41        M 17    none
                        Mary J.            daughter           F          14        S          none
                        William B.        son                   M         10        S          none

Hall                  Thomas B.        Head                M         78        Wd      Dealer              Lumber & charcoal
Taisey              Abbie M.         servant             F          66        M 22    Housekeeper

Eastman           Isaac N.           Head                M         43        M  0     Physician          General practice
                        Mable J.           wife                  F          17        M  0     none
                        Edward K.       son                   M           2        S          none

Morrison          Frank M.          Head                M         29        M  7     Engineer           Stationary
                        Alvira               wife                  F          23        M  7     none
                        Clyde               son                   M           2        S          none

Taylor              Allen R.            Head                M         35        M  8     Barber              Own shop
                        Gretta E.          wife                  F          37        M  8     Teacher            Music
Chalmers          Dorothy            boarder            F          12        S          none

Pillsbury           Ralph E.           Head                M         23        M  2     Merchant          Men's clothing
                        Gertrude           wife                  F          22        M  2     none

Pillsbury           Wilson W.        Head                M         24        M  2     Merchant          Hardware
                        Myrtle              wife                  F          24        M  2     none
                        Ralph T.           son                   M           2        S          none

Webber            Bert A.             Head                M         27        M 10    Letterer            Granite
                        Alice                wife                  F          21        M 10    none
                        Gladys              daughter           F            9        S          none

Coffrin              Albert W.         Head                M         52        M 29    Carpenter         House
                        Martha             wife                  F          47        M 29    none

Tillotson           Henry L.           Head                M         42        M 13    Physician          General practice
                        Agnes               wife                  F          47        M 13    none

Hood               Ernest E.          Head                M         29        M  6     Engineer           Stationary
                        Katie J.            wife                  F          27        M  6     Work woman   At home
                        Rodney E.        son                   M           5        S          none
                        Florence M.     daughter           F            4        S          none
                        Mildred J.         daughter           F            2        S          none

Morrison          Silas B.             Head                M         76        M 13    Mail carrier       Star route
                        Mary A.           wife                  F          70        M 13    none

Millis                George H.        Head                M         44        M  9     Jeweller            Repair shop
                        Lizzie                wife                  F          30        M  9     none

Heath               Benjamin F.      Head                M         90        M 48    Gardener          Home lot
                        Helen J.            wife                  F          75        M 48    none
                        Carlyle M.        son                   M         35        S          Painter              House & carriages

Pillsbury           George H.        Head                M         51        M 27    Hired hand       Farm & woods
                        Ella                   wife                  F          45        M 27    Milliner . . . . . .Gen. millinery
Chalmers          Ruby                niece-in-law      F          18        S          Clerk                Post Office
                        Carrie               niece-in-law      F          15        S          Labor lady
                        Margaret          niece-in-law      F          13        S          none

Heath               [Bradley]          Head                M         64        M 18    Manufacturer    Harness & [?]
                        Lena                 wife                  F          [33]      M 18    none

LeGare             Aurele E.          Head                M         39        M 11    Merchant         Meats & vegetables
                        Myrtie E.          wife                  F          28        M 11    none
                        Wilfred A.        son                   M           9        S          none
                        Viola E.            daughter           F            7        S          none
                        Ulric L.             son                   M           4        S          none

Myers              Soloman H.      Head                M         50        M 18    Clergyman        Baptist
                        Clara L.            wife                  F          46        M 18    none

Crown              Allen W.           Head                M         31        M  7     Pedler              Tea & coffee
                        Elizabeth           wife                  F          38        M  7     none
                        Sara                 daughter           F            2        S          none

Glover              Frederick W.    Head                M         74        M 48    Farmer             General farm
                        Mary J.             wife                  F          70        M 48    none

Hill                   Emma               Head                F          68        S          none

Thurston           Stephen            Head                M         48        M 21    Laborer            Dirt road
                        Cora J.             wife                  F          43        M 21    none    
                        Edith                daughter           F            5        S          none

Corruth            David               Head                M         63        Wd      Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Harrison D.      son                   M         17        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
                        [Arvella]           daughter           F          13        S          none

Lamphere         George E.         Head                M         62        S          Laborer            Odd jobs

Longmore         Duncan            Head                M         31        M  5     Quarryman       Granite
                        Florence M.     wife                  F          25        M  5     none
                        Austin E.          son                   M           5        S          none
Ralston             Amos G.          brother-in-law  M         20        S          Quarryman       Granite
                        Ethel                 sister-in-law      F          18        S          Housekeeper    Private family

Morrison          Charles             Head                M         62        M 30    Farmer             General farm
                        Elmira               wife                  F          62        M 30    none
Norberg           Frank               hired man         M         18        S          Farm laborer    Working out
Hulbrick           David               boarder            M         71        [?]        none

Ashford            Andrew            Head                M         31        M  7     Laborer            Granite shed
                        Mabel L.          wife                  F          31        M  7     none
                        Forest A.          son                   M           7        S          none
                        Terasa              daughter           F            5        S          none
                        John M.            son                   M           4        S          none
                        Stella E.            daughter           F          <1        S          none

Lord                 Charles C.        Head                M         40        M 21    Publisher          Weekly paper
                        Ella M.             wife                  F          43        M 21    none
                        Ralph C.           son                   M         17        S          Printer              Father's office
                        Wendall E.       son                   M         15        S          Farm laborer    Working out
                        Charles D.        son                   M           7        S          none
                        Alice E.            daughter           F            5        S          none

Patch                Leon L.            Head                M         26        M  1     Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Grace I.            wife                  F          17        M  1     none
                        George E.         son                   M         <1        S          none
Clark                Amy                 mother-in-law   F          55        Wd      House keeper   Private family

Carpenter         Fred E.             Head                M         39        M 19    Sawyer             Board mill
                        Jennie               wife                  F          38        M 19    none
                        Annie L.           daughter           F          16        S          none
                        Vesta               daughter           F          13        S          none
                        Walter              son                   M           5        S          none
Wormwood      Alvira               mother-in-law   F          79        Wd      none

Fraser              Donald             Head                M         55        M 22    Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        Ruth                 wife                  F          56        M 22    none
                        Percie G.          son                   M         18        S          none

Ricker              Isaac M.           Head                M         71        M 46    Manufacturer    Lumber
                        Mary J.             wife                  F          67        M 46    none

Wilson              Levi                 Head                M         38        M 13    Laborer            Teamster
                        Jennie               wife                  F          34        M 13    none
                        Mary J.             daughter           F            2        S          none

Bailey               Charles J.         Head                M         43        M 17    Station agent     Rail Road
                        Mary E.            wife                  F          43        M 17    none

Darling             John T.             Head                M         54        M 24    Farmer             General farm
                        Alberta M.       wife                  F          43        M 24    none

Ricker              Ira O.               Head                M         41        M 21    Dealer              Live stock
                        Lillian G.           wife                  F          41        M 21    none
                        Neva                daughter           F          19        S          Operator          Telephone
                        Bartlet H.         son                   M         16        S          none
Eastman           Albert               boarder            M         23        M  0     Line man          Telephone
                      . Mildred            boarer              F          20        M  0     none

Heath               Charles H.        Head                M         47        M 23    Section foreman  Rail Road
                        Etta B.              wife                  F          41        M 23    none
                        Nellie B.           daughter           F          16        S          none
                        Emma J.           daughter           F          13        S          none
Church             Mehitable K.    mother-in-law   F          83        Wd      Own income

Corruth            Charles E.        Head                M         41        M  1     Black smith      General work
                        Catherine          wife                  F          28        M  1     none
Smith                Alice M.           daughter-in-law F         11        S          none     [actually step-daughter]
                        Gladys M.        daughter-in-law F           9        S          none     [actually step-daughter]
                        Lawrence H.    son-in-law        M           7        S          none     [actually step-son]

Frost                James               Head                M         33        M 13    Carpenter         House
                        Mary                wife                  F          30        M 13    none
                        Josephine         daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Prudence I.       daughter           F            9        S          none
                        Ila M.               daughter           F            4        S          none
                        Maurice A.       son                   M         <1        S          none

Main                James W.         Head                M         27        M  1     Stone cutter      Stone shed
                        Lona M.           wife                  F          18        M  1     none

Morrison          Abram              Head                M         62        M 39    Farmer             General farm
                        Rufina J.           wife                  F          57        M 39    none

Knox                George H.        Head                M         47        M 25    Engineer           Stationary
                        Minnie B.         wife                  F          47        M 25    none
                        Nellie J.            daughter           F          24        S          Operator          Telephone
                        Pearlie D.         son                   M         19        S          Line man          Telephone
Hood               Levi                  father-in-law     M         75        Wd      none

Hosmer            Harry A.           Head                M         30        M  7     Dealer              Granite
                        Myrtie M.         wife                  F          25        M  7     none
                        Rufus A.           son                   M           5        S          none
                        Lloyd R.           son                   M           2        S          none

Parks               Clara                Head                F          51        Wd      Mistress           Boarding house
                        Eva M.             daughter           F          26        S          Housework      At home
                        Ineze M.           daughter           F          23        S          Housework      At home
Clark                Wallace W.      boarder            M         63        Wd      Carpenter         House
Scott                Raymond          boarder            M         20        S          Harness maker Own shop
Cari                  Luige                boarder            M         46        M 16    Stone cutter      Granite shed

Hosmer            Rufus D.           Head                M         59        M 33    Laborer            Granite shed
                        Mary J.            wife                  F          53        M 33    none
                        Robert F.         son                   M         27        Wd      Dealer              Granite

Thurston           Elmer L.           Head                M         38        Wd      none
                        Frank W.         son                   M         16        S          none
                        Blanche A.       daughter           F          14        S          none
                        Samuel W.       son                   M         12        S          none

Smith                James H.          Head                M         39        M 19    Livery man       Teams to let
                        Lydia J.            wife                  F          38        M 19    none
                        Ralph D.           son                   M         17        S          none
                        Jessie M.          daughter           F          16        S          House work     Boarding house
                        Bernard E.        son                   M         13        S          none

Raymond          Joseph              Head                M         35        M  9     Lumberman      Lumber camp
                        Rebecca           wife                  F          30        M  9     none

Ricker              Benjamin M.     Head                M         68        M 45    Farmer             Poultry farm
                        Helen M.          wife                  F          65        M 45    none

Miller               Charles W.       Head                M         55        M 33    Painter              House
                        Mary                wife                  F          53        M 33    none
Wheeler           Esther C.          aunt                  F          83        S          none

Welch              Loren G.          Head                M         53        M 20    Merchant          Hardware
                        Minnie              wife                  F          49        M 20    none
                        Retta H.           daughter           F          16        S          none

Gardner            Bert L.             Head                M         32        M  4     Merchant          Meats & veg
                        Blanch J.          wife                  F          39        M  4     none

Jones                Jackson J.        Head                M         41        M 23    Farmer             General farm
                        Ellen J. . . . . . . .wife                  F          41        M 23    none

Hanchett           Frank W.         Head                M         48        Wd      Farmer             General farm
                        George R.        son                   M         16        S          Chore boy        Working out
                        Frank R.           son                   M         15        S          none
Ladd                Hattie B.           servant             F          43        D         House keeper

Hart                 Alexander J.     Head                M         39        M  8     Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        Georgianna       wife                  F          29        M  8     none
                        Stephen A.       son                   M           7        S          none
                        Emily E.            daughter           F          <1        S          none

Kittridge           Edward            Head                M         54        M 30    Laborer            Rail Road
                        Lizzie                wife                  F          48        M 30    none
Bowen             Lucina              niece                F          18        M  3     House keeper   Private family
                        Edward            grandnephew    M           1        S          none

Vincent             Edmund            Head                M         53        D         Laborer            Printer

Cheechi            Albert               Head                M         36        M 15    Carver              Granite
                        Agustoni           wife                  F          35        M 15    Mistress           Boarding house
                        Lena                 daughter           F          14        S          none
                        Ida                   daughter           F          10        S          none
                        Silvis                son                   M           8        S          none
Ceccato           Joseph              boarder            M         27        M  4     Stone cutter      Granite shed
Brignole            Augusto            boarder            M         23        S          Stone cutter      Granite shed
Gelio                Giacome           boarder            M         24        S          Stone cutter      Granite shed
Billi                   Domenies         boarder            M         30        S          Blacksmith        Granite shed
Cecchini           Serafino            boarder            M         36        S          Stone cutter      Granite shed

Knox                Fred E.             Head                M         27        M  8     Engineer           Stationary
                        Grace E.           wife                  F          24        M  8     none
                        Lillian J.            daughter           F            7        S          none
                        George F.         son                   M           4        S          none
                        Minnie B.         daughter          . F            1        S          none

Hines                Thomas H.       Head                M         31        M  6     Quarryman       Granite
                        Elizabeth A.      wife                  F          35        M  6     none
                        Phebe G.          daughter           F            5        S          none
                        Dorothy E.       daughter           F            1        S          none

Stevens            Webster J.        Head                M         48        M 19    Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        Martha J.          wife                  F          48        M 19    none
                        Bessie E.          daughter           F          19        S          none
                        John E.             son                   M         18        S          Farm laborer    Working out
                        Anna H.           daughter           F          15        S          none
                        George E.         son                  M         11        S          none
                        Stella M.          daughter           F            9        S          none

Hatch               George B.        Head                M         56        M 28    Physician          General practice
                        Mary E.            wife                  F          58        M 28    none
                        George W.       son                   M         27        S          Druggist            Own store
                        Ina K.              daughter           F          22        S          Teacher            Common school
Blodgett           Seth A.             boarder            M         38        S          Physician          General practice
Crown              Leonard W.      boarder            M         32        D         Blacksmith        Granite shed

Jordan              Charles             Head                M         45        Wd      Stone cutter      Mason work
                        Bertha              daughter           F          18        S          House work     Private family
                        Mattie J.           daughter           F          14        S          none

Weld                Fuller M.          Head                M         50        M 17    Farmer             General farm
                        Myrtie M.         wife                  F          49        M 17    none
                        Gladys M.        daughter           F          13        S          none
Clark                Margrett           mother-in-law   F          84        Wd      none

Carbee             Wilbur R.         Head                M         33        M  9     Manufacturer    Granite & marble
                        Lilla P.              wife                  F          28        M  9     none

White               Fred D.            Head                M         40        M 15    Laborer            Cemetery
                        Clara B.           wife                  F          38        M 15    none
                        John A.            son                   M         11        S          none
                        Ruby                daughter           F            0        S          none

Page                 Chester M.       Head                M         39        M 18    Black smith       General work
                        Lillian M.          wife                  F          30        M 18    none
                        Henry C.          son                   M         16        S          none
                        Moses              son                   M         14        S          none
                        Lizzie M.          daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Nelson F.         son                   M           9        S          none
                        George H.        son                   M           7        S          none
                        Alexander         son                   M           6        S          none

Dennis              Mary L.            Head                F          55        D         none
                        Amasa T.         son                   M         25        S          Laborer            Odd jobs
                        Isaac N.           son                   M         20        S          Farm laborer    Working out
James               Almon N.         boarder            M         62        Wd      Painter              House

Welch              Christie             Head                F          82        Wd      House work     Private family

Hart                 James               Head                M         63        M 32    Laborer            Odd jobs

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Here ends the enumeration of Groton Village

1910 U.S. Census Population Schedules  (Groton, VT)

National Archives [Microcopy T-624, Roll 1613]

Groton Town - Enumeration District No. 42 enumerated by Fred H. White in April 1910

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Transcribed by J. W. Benzie, for the Groton Historical Society, March 2003)

Surname         Given              Relation          Sex      Age     Status Trade               Industry

Darling             I. Newton H.    Head                M         78        M 55    Farmer             General farm
                        Roxie               wife                  F          71        M 55    none
                        George H.        son                   M         47        S          none

Whitehill           John F.             Head                M         66        M 22    Farmer             General farm
                        Christie I.         wife                  F          54        M 22    none

Whitehill           David               Head                M         25        M  4     Farmer             General farm
                        Abigale             wife                  F          23        M  4     none
                        Austin               son                   M           1        S          none

Lumsdon          Abbie               Head                F          61        Wd      Farmer             General farm

Glover              Henry C.          Head                M         64        M 37    Farmer             General farm
                        Nancie E.         wife                  F          59        M 37    none
                        Waldo F.          son                   M         30        M  1     Teacher            Grammer school
                        Gertrude           daughter-in-law F         30        M  1     none
                        Nannie B.         daughter           F          16        S          none
                        Helen               granddaughter   F            0        S          none
Jackson            Huntley M.       father-in-law     M         85        Wd      none

Corruth            George             Head                M         47        M 14    Farmer             General farm
                        Annie               wife                  F          37        M 14    none
                        Harley              son                   M           5        S          none
Olney               George             father-in-law     M         65        Wd      Harness maker [Own shop]

Whitehill           Nelson W.        Head                M         33        M 11    Farmer             General farm
                        Jessie A.           wife                  F          30        M 11    none
                        Emma J.           daughter           F            7        S          none
Page                 Chauncey         hired man         M         52        Wd      Farm laborer    Working out
Brown              William             hired man         M         53        D         Farm laborer    Working out

Whitehill           Albert P.          Head                M         64        M 40    Farmer             General farm
                        Emma E.          wife                  F          62        M 40    none

Welch              Orange H.        Head                M         35        M  5     Farmer             General farm
                        Chestine M.      wife                  F          30        M  5     none

Ricker              Nancy M.         Head                F          64        Wd      none
                        Joseph              son                   M         28        S          Farm laborer    At home
                        Bessie              daughter         .  F          26        S          none
                        George             son                   M         23        S          Farm laborer    Home farm

Eastman           Roger               Head                M         23        M  4     Farmer             General farm
                        Sarah               wife                  F          22        M  4     none
                        Earl B.              son                   M           3        S          none

Pierce               Walter P.          Head                M         60        M 27    Farmer             General farm
                        Rosa A.            wife                  F          49        M 27    Nurse               Private family

Pierce               Edgar               Head                M         28        M 10    Farmer             General farm
                        Minnie A.         wife                  F          29        M 10    none
                        Charles N.        son                   M           9        S          none
                        Alice B.            daughter           F            7        S          none
                        Carl W.            son                   M           5m     S          none
                        Clyde H.          son                   M           5m     S          none

Miller               Abbie J.           Head                F          59        Wd      none
                        Effie M.            daughter           F          32        S          none
Welch              Hosea              father                M         85        Wd      Gardner            At home

Page                 Cyrus B.           Head                M         56        M  8     Farmer             General farm
                        Nellie E.           wife                  F          53        M  8     none
                        Nettie P.           daughter           F          20        S          Teacher            Common school
                        Jennie B.          daughter           F          15        S          none
Leavenworth    Elsa P.              step-daughter   F          14        S          none    

Dean                [Walter] J.        Head                M         ?          M 12    Farmer             General farm
                        May E.             wife                  F          33        M 12    none
                        May G.            daughter           .F            9        S          none
                        Harvey E.         son                   M           7        S          none
                        Gertrude           mother              F          49        Wd      none
Burke               Philip                hired man         M         43        S          Laborer            Farm

Welch              Timothy            Head                M         63        M 41    Farmer             General farm
                        Lydia M.          wife                  F          55        M 41    none

Page                 Alex J.              Head                M         51        M 25    Farmer             General farm
                        Florence B.      wife                  F          51        M 25    none
                        Bertha M.         daughter           F          26        S          House work     Private family
                        William H.        son                   M         24        M  0     Farm laborer    Home farm
                        Mary H.           daughter-in-law F         21        M  0     none

Lund                Hollis A.           Head                M         38        M 17    Farmer             General farm
                        Georgianna       wife                  F          30        M 17    none
                        Austin G.          son                   M         15        S          none
                        Mabel M.         daughter           F          13        S          none
                        Norman L.       son                   M         11        S          none

Somers             Lee                  Head                M         33        M  8     Farmer             General farm
                        Caroline K.      wife                  F          36        M  8     none
                        Leland              son                   M           6        S          none
                        Dwight L.         son                   M           4        S          none
                        Gwendoline      daughter           F            2        S          none
                        Beulah              daughter           F            1        S          none
Brock               Walter J.          boarder            M         28        S          Farmer             General farm

Orr                   Robert H.         Head                M         73        M 33    none
                        Sarah V.           wife                  F          55        M 33    none
                        Albert F.          son                   M         26        S          Farmer             General farm
                        Charlie H.         son                   M         19        S          none
                        Leslie H.           son                   M         15        S          none

Lund                Lewis E.           Head                M         38        M 13    Farmer             General farm
                        Florence N.      wife                  F          33        M 13    none
                        Alma H.           daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Alice                daughter           F            8        S          none
                        Nina F.             daughter           F            7m     S          none

Dunn                William J.         Head                M         36        M  9     Farmer             General farm
                        Arvilla W.         wife                  F          36        M  9     none
                        Mary E.            daughter           F            7        S          none
                        Alice A.            daughter           F            5        S          none
                        Carlos M.         son                   M           3        S          none
                        Anna B.            daughter           F            1        S          none

Emery              Thomas H.       Head                M         38        M  5     Farmer             General farm
                        Margrett           wife                  F          21        M  5     none
                        Harry E.           son                   M           5        S          none
                        Mattie B.          daughter           F            2        S          none
                        Timothy            son                   M           2m     S          none

Welch              Lebbeus           Head                M         77        M 37    Farmer             General farm
                        Martha M.        wife                  F          56        M 37    none
                        Edward A.       son                   M         23        S          Laborer            Farm

Morton             Wentworth B.   Head                M         47        M 20    Farmer             General farm
                        Mercy S.          wife                  F          52        M 20    none
Goodwin          George             brother-in-law  M         63        M 14    Chopper           Cord wood
Smith                Mercy M.         niece                F          33        M   3    Cook               Boarding house
                        Edward            nephew-in-law  M         37        M   3    Teamster          Log team
                        Clyde W.         grand nephew   M         11        S          none

Welch              Jacob H.          Head                M         36        M 15    Farmer             General farm
                        Evalona            wife                  F          38        M 15    none
                        Etta                  daughter           F          13        S          none
                        Ellis R.              son                   M           8        S          none
                        Clarence           son                   M           4        S          none

Emery              Timothy            Head                M         64        Wd      Laborer            Odd jobs
                        Archie              son                   M         30        S          Laborer            Saw mill
                        Jesse A.           son                   M         25        S          Farm laborer    Working out

Hood               Herbert E.        Head                M         44        M 11    Farmer             General farm
                        Helen L.           wife                  F          54        M 11    none
Lund                Rufus                boarder            M         70        Wd      Distiller Spruce oil

Crown              Frank C.          Head                M         47        M 15    Farmer             General farm
                        Saphrona          wife                  F          48        M 15    none

Hayes               Fred E.             Head                M         28        M  8     Carpenter         House
                        Mattie B.          wife                  F          28        M  8     none
                        Nelson W.        brother             M         30        S          Farmer             General farm

Helie                Alfred G.          Head                M         34        M  5     Sawyer             Board mill
                        Mary D.           wife                  F          40        M  5     none
Jennison           Melvin              g.neph-in-law   M           7        S          none
Annis                William F.         boarder            M         49        S          Laborer            Rail Road

Crouse             James R.          Head                M         34        M  2     Laborer            Saw mill
                        Fannie M.         wife                  F          18        M  2     none
                        Harold J.          son                   M         7m     . .S          none

Darling             Calvin L.          Head                M         25        M  6     Laborer            Bobbin mill
                        Zoa I.               wife                  F          22        M  6     none
                        Harold T.         son                   M           4        S          none
                        Pearl                daughter           F            1        S          none

Ross                 Charles E.        Head                M         43        M 21    Merchant          Candy & ice cream
                        Georgie S.        wife                  F          37        M 21    Sales woman    Candy store
                        Charles S.        son                   M         20        S          Odd jobs
Evans               Ralph E.           brother-in-law  M         26        S          Carpenter         House

Welch              Hosea N.         Head                M         49        M 17    Farmer             General farm
                        Margrett           wife                  F          46        M 17    none
Scott                Elizabeth           2d-cousin-in-law F       11        S          none
Chalmers          Carl A.             boarder            M         11        S          none

Purcell              Edward P.        Head                M         49        M 27    Farmer             General farm
                        Anna M.           wife                  F          48        M 27    none
Clark                Oscar               boarder            M         49        S          none

Morrison          Austin N.          Head                M         48        M 25    Farmer             General farm
                        Carrie E.          wife                  F          46        M 25    none
                        Harry T.           son                   M         23        S          Farm laborer    At home
                        Jackson W.      brother             M         52        S          Farmer             General farm
Plummer           Martha J.          sister                F          49        Wd      none

Emery              Noah W.          Head                M         37        M 16    Farmer             General farm
                        Mary W.          wife                  F          34        M 16    none
                        Franklin J.        son                   M         15        S          none
                        Meroa E.          daughter           F          12        S          none
                        O. Clinton        son                   M           4        S          none
                        Martha S.         daughter           F            1        S          none

Baldwin            Ebenezer          Head                M         26        S          Farmer             General farm
                        Maria               mother              F          66        Wd      none
Whitehill           Walter              2nd cousin        M         63        Wd      none

Clark                Ernest W.         Head                M         26        M  5     Farmer             General farm
                        Jennie E.           wife                  F          27        M  5     none

Larro                Fred                 Head                M         73        M 47    Farmer             General farm
                        Adaline             wife                  F          67        M 47    none

Fellows            Joseph T.         Head                M         51        M 19    Farmer             General farm
                        Lizzie J.            wife                  F          39        M 19    none
                        Jean L.             daughter           F          18        S          Teacher            Common school
                        Joseph              son                   M         16        S          none
                        Nola H.            daughter           F          14        S          none
                        Lemira E.         daughter           F          11        S          none
Richardson       Hannah             mother              F          76        Wd      none

Frost                Orange C.        Head                M         38        M 10    Farmer & carpenter  House
                        Mattie              wife                  F          31        M 10    none
                        Elmer C.           son                   M         10        S          none
                        Millie M.          daughter           F            8        S          none
                        Della L.            daughter           F            3        S          none

Ford                 Charles L.        Head                M         50        M 29    Farmer             General farm
                        Thresa M.        wife                  F          52        M 29    none
Stone               Harvey             boarder            M           3        S          none

Hatch               Oscar C.          Head                M         55        M 34    Farmer             General farm
                        Hannah P.        wife                  F          50        M34     none
                        Clara B.           daughter           F          28        S          none
                        Clark                father                M         80        Wd      none

Ricker              Samuel P.         Head                M         40        M 11    Farmer             General farm
                        Grace B.          wife                  F          29        M 11    none
                        Nancy J.           daughter           F            7        S          none
                        Rupert H.         son                   M           2        S          none

Crown              Orrin M.           Head                M         55        M 12    Farmer             General farm
                        Mahala C.        wife                  F          45        M 12    none
Frost                Aaron               father-in-law     M         80        Wd      none

Ashford            Henry               Head                M         40        M 20    Polisher            Granite
                        Ida M.              wife                  F          39        M 20    none
                        David H.          son                   M         19        S          Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        George W.       son                   M         18        S          Farm laborer    Working out
                        Mamie              daughter           F          14        S          none
                        Hazel                daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Justin                son                   M           5        S          none
Farrington         Cornelius          father-in-law     M         75        Wd      none

Welch              Alexander         Heaad              M         58        M 32    Farmer             General farm
                        Dehlia F.          wife                  F          49        M 32    none
McNowell        Lacey               boarder            F            4        S          none

Jordan              Frank W.         Head                M         48        Wd      Farmer             General farm
Hopkins           Elizabeth           servant             F          48        S          Housekeeper

Cutts                William L.         Head                M         50        M 10    Stone cutter      Granite
                        Arclina             wife                  F          55        M 10    none
                        Harry               son                   M         18        S          Laborer            Farm

Page                 Ellory C.           Head                M         41        M  5     Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Effie L.             wife                  F          24        M  5     none
                        Leo E.              son                   M           5        S          none
                        Ellen E.             daughter           F            2        S          none
                        Alice                daughter           F          11m     S          none

Daniels             Hiram               Head                M         41        M  7     Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Saphronia         wife                  F          28        M  7     none
                        William E.         son                   M           6        S          none
                        Ethel M.           daughter           F            4        S          none
                        Adeline L.        daughter           F            3        S          none
                        Oscar M.         son                   M         6m       S          none
                        Roxannie          mother              F          71        Wd      none

Moulton           Henry E.           Head                M         59        M 27    Laborer            Farm & mill
                        Lodema T.       wife                  F          58        M 27    none
                        Luice L.            son                   M         23        S          Farmer            At home & for others
                        Cora B.            daughter           F         . 26        S          Housekeeper    Private family

Cochran           Frank               Head                M         49        M 24    Farmer             General farm
                        Alice                wife                  F          39        M 24    none
                        Clyde               son                   M         16        S          none
                        Gretta               daughter           F          11        S          none
Jones                Frank               boarder            M         50        S          Woods man      Lumber camp

Heath               Frank P.           Head                M         55        M 15    Farmer             General farm
                        Sarah E.           wife                  F          51        M 15    none
Carpenter         Taylor              boarder            M         63        S          Farm laborer    Working out

Philbrick           Amy                 Head                F          72        Wd      none
Emery              Elbridge            nephew            M         50        S          Farm laborer    Working out

Darling             Daniel R.          Head                M         63        M 40    Farmer             General farm
                        Caroline           wife                  F          58        M 40    none
                        Marshall J.        son                   M         22        M  3     Farm laborer    At home
                        Lottie K.          daughter-in-law F         27        M  3     none
                        Edith M.           granddaughter   F            2        S          none
                        Carrie L.          granddaughter   F          6m       S          none

McDonald        John M.            Head                M         42        M 16    Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        Effie A. . . . . . . wife                  F          35        M 16    none
                        Evan [Eben] M. son                  M         13        S          none
                        Catherine M.    daughter           .F          11        S          none
                        Ruth D.            daughter           .F            9        S          none
                        John M.            son                   M           7        S          none

Hayes               William H.        Head                M         88        Wd      none    
                        William . . . . . . son                   M         55        Wd      Carpenter         House

Welch              Charles H.        Head                M         40        M 12    Farm laborer    Working out
                        Nora C.           wife                  F          43        M 12    none
                        Lillian A.           daughter           F            9        S          none
                        Katie M.          daughter           F            2        S          none

Frost                Prudence          Head                F          52        Wd      none
                        Moses              son                   M         28        D         Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Saphrona          daughter           F          20        S          none
                        Fred                 son                   M         22        S          none
Welch              Leverett            boarder            M         50        Wd      Laborer            Rail road

Welch              Peter                Head                M         75        M 25    Farmer             General farm
                        Lydia                wife                  F          60        M 25    none
Resslier            Gertrude           step-daughter   F          35        Wd      none

Page                 Jane S.             Head                F          55        Wd      none

Welch              Elmira C.          Head                F          58        Wd      none

Page                 Victor G.          Head                M         31        M  4     Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Daisy                wife                  F          40        M  4     none
Brink                Bernie H.          step-son           M         19        S          Farm laborer    Working out
                        Stella B.           step-daughter  . F            7        S          none

Welch              Stephen N.       Head                M         31        M 13    Merchant          General store
                        Lizzie M.          wife                  F          35        M 13    none
                        Earl E.              son                   M         13        S          none
                        Minnie I.           daughter           F          10        S          none
                        Josephine E.     daughter           F            6        S          none
                        Clarence J.       son                   M           3        S          none
                        Linwood T.      son                   M           1        S          none

Page                 Heman B.         Head                M         42        M 23    Laborer            On highway
                        Alice A.            wife                  F          40        M 23    none
                        Malcolm P.       son                   M         19        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Delvan              son                   M         17        S          Laborer            On highway
                        Ethel M.           daughter          . F          15        S          none

Fifield               Caroline           Head                F          72        Wd      none
                        I. Elwyn            son                   M         28        M  4     Farmer             General farm
                        Ethel M.           daughter-in-law F         30        M  4     none
                        Donald             grandson          M           1        S          none

Hood               Laura E.           Head                F          65        Wd      none
                        Bert                  son                   M         26        M  5     Farmer             General farm
                        Annie J.            daughter-in-law F         21        M  5     none
                        Hattie M.          granddaughter   F            3        S          none

Goodwin          Samuel D.        Head                M         71        M 48    Farmer             General farm
                        Angelia . . . . . . wife                  F          63        M 48    none
                        Minnie V.         daughter           F          46        S          none

Parker              Fred E.             Head                M         49        M 24    Farmer             General farm
                        Ida M.              wife                  F          41        M 24    none

Goodwin          Abner               Head                M         79        M 43    Own income
                        Elizabeth A.      wife                  F          65        M 43    none
                        Isaac H.           son                   M         33        S          Farmer             General farm
                        Bertha D.         daughter           F         . 31        S          none

Bacon              Fred H.            Head                M         50        M 11    Manager           Private work
                        Mary E.            wife                  F          39        M 11    none

Vance              I. Roy               Head                M         34        M   7    Farmer             General farm
                        Lillian               wife                  F          39        M   7    none
                        Celia M.           daughter           F          12        S          none
                        George H.        son                   M           5        S          none
                        Seth                 son                   M           3        S          none
                        Maria J.            daughter           F            1        S          none
Chase               Dora R.            step-daughter   F          13        S          none

Heath               Robert H.         Head                M         48        M 25    Farmer             General farm
                        Ida M.              wife                  F          45        M 25    none
                        Lydia M.          daughter           F          24        S          none
                        Pearl D.            son                   M         19        S          none
                        Burns F.           son                   M         10        S          none
                        Robert T.         father                M         88        Wd      none

Vance              Grant M.          Head                M         39        S          Farmer             General farm
                        Oscar B.          brother             M         35        S          Farmer             General farm
Hunt                 L. Abbie           servant             F          66        Wd      Housekeeper    Private family

Vance              Herbert G.        Head                M         58        M 26    Farmer             General farm
                        Lizzie M.          wife                  F          42        M 26    none
                        Ardell L.           daughter           F          18        S          none
                        Theresa J.         daughter           F          16        S          none

 Vance              D. Henry          Head                M         61        M 35    Farmer             General farm
                        Maria               wife                  F          54        M 35    none
                        Carl D.             son                   M         24        S          Farm laborer    Home farm
                        Mabel E.          daughter           F          14        S          none

Heath               Hazen C.          Head                M         53        M 27    Farmer             General farm
                        Lillian J.            wife                  F          42        M 27    none
                        Ozro F.            son                   M         21        S          Farm laborer    Home farm
                        Waldo H.         son                   M         13        S          none
                        Isaac E.            son                   M         10        S          none
                        Harold C.         son                   M           5        S          none
                        Theadore M.    son                   M           1        S          none

Page                 Samuel E.         Head                M         46        M 19    Farmer             General farm
                        Carrie E.          wife                  F          39        M 19    none

Dennis              Hiram W.         Head                M         66        D         Overser's          Farm

Carter              Solomon J.       Head                M         41        M 22    Farmer             General farm
                        Effie E.             wife                  F          41        M 22    none
                        William             son                   M         14        S          none

Carter              Myrtland M.     Head                M         37        M 11    Farmer             General farm
                        Bell A.              wife                  F          31        M 11    none
                        Roland E.         son                   M           9        S          none
                        Roosevelt J.      son                   M           6        S          none

Orr       Washington M.             Head                M         55        M 17    Farmer             General farm
                        Lizzie J.            wife                  F          60        M 17    none

Frost                Isaiah B.           Head                M         29        M  9     Farmer             General farm
                        Maggie E.         wife                  F          28        M  9     none

Frost                Aaron H.          Head                M         41        M 15    Farmer             General farm
                        Louisa D.         wife                  F          34        M 15    none
                        Addie M.         daughter           F          14        S          none
                        Allie C.             son                   M           9        S          none
                        Lee G.              son                   M           7        S          none
                        Bessie L.          daughter           F            3        S          none

Page                 Albert               Head                M         66        Wd      none
                        Charles N.        son                   M         34        M  5     Farmer             General farm
                        Minnie B.         daughter-in-law  F        32        M  5     none
                        Horace A.        grandson          M           4        S          none

Page                 Carlos A.         Head                M         63        M  40   Farmer             General farm
                        Mary A.           wife                  F          60        M 40    none
                        Bert C.             son                   M         30        S          Farm laborer    Home farm

Page                 Moses              Head                M         68        M 45    Farmer             General farm
                        Lydia N.           wife                  F          68        M 45    none
                        Maurice C.       son                   M         43        S          Farm laborer    Working out
Judd                 Herbert            boarder            M           5        S          none

Graham            Murdo             Head                M         42        M 17    Farmer             General farm
                        Lilla R.             wife                  F          35        M 17    none
                        Norman M.      son                   M         16        S          none
                        Malcolm R.      son                   M         12        S          none
                        Margrett A.      daughter           F          10        S          none
                        Mary K.           daughter           F            5        S          none
                        Kenneth           son                   M           3        S          none

Welch              Munroe J.         Head                M         59        M 16    Farmer             General farm
                        Louisa A.         wife                  F          53        M 16    none
                        Abbie N.          daughter           F          15        S          none
Frost                Isabell              granddaughter   F            8        S          none

Page                 Aaron R.          Head                M         33        M  1     Farm laborer    Working out
                        Marnie E.         wife                  F          24        M  1     none
Heath               Gladys E.         step daughter    F            4        S          none

Goodwin          George             Head                M         21        M  1     Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Elizabeth           wife                  F          19        M  1     none

Davis                James J.           Head                M         67        Wd      Laborer            Odd jobs
Moulton           Mabel              servant             F          30        S          Housekeeper

Emery              Grant I.            Head                M         35        M  3     Farmer             General farm
                        Abbie M.         wife                  F          37        M  3     none
Dana                William G.        step-son           M         12        S          none
                        Clarence H.      step-son           M           9        S          none
                        Robert E.         step-son           M           7        S          none
                        Albert N.          step-son           M           5        S          none
Emery              Olive J.             daughter           F            1        S          none
                        Harry C.           son                   M         1m       S          none

Emery              Drusilla D.        Head                F          69        Wd      none
                        Ellsworth J.       son                  M         42        S          Farm work       Home farm
                        Lillie C.            daughter           F          26        S          none

Thurston           Walter F.          Head                M         24        M  3     Teamster          Mill yard
                        Jennie E.           wife                  F          22        M  3     none

Page                 Wallace R.       Head                M         34        M  6     Laborer            Lumber mill
                        May J.              wife                  F          22        M  6     none
                        Robert F.         son                   M           4        S          none    
                        Frank               son                   M           2        S          none

Ricker              Herman P.        Head                M         33        M 10    Farm laborer    Working out
                        Ida M.              wife                  F          36        M 10    Teacher            Common school
                        George             son                   M           7        S          none

Sanders            James E.           Head                M         47        M 24    Farmer             General farm
                        Lillian L.           wife                  F          42        M 24    none
                        Frank H.          son                   M         22        S          Laborer            Lumber mill

Ricker              Harry N.          Head                M         43        M  6     Farmer             General farm
                        Fannie M.         wife                  F          43        M  6     none
                        Milton B.          son                   M           5        S          none
                        Raymond A.     son                   M           3        S          none

Darling             William F.         Head                M         22        M  3     Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Princetta S.       wife                  F          24        M  3     Mistress           Boarding house
                        Goldie P.          daughter           F            3        S          none
Ely                   Alfred               boarder            M         34        M  5     Sawyer             Board mill
Frost                Moses              boarder            M         29        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
Annis                Milo                 boarder            M         18        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
Dana                Walter              boarder            M         15        S          Laborer            Lumber yard

Miller               Robert J.          Head                M         40        M 10    Manufacturer    Lumber
                        Marion L.         wife                  F          35        M 10    none
Doe                  Isabell              mother-in-law   F          71        Wd      none

Annis                Sylvanus           Head                M         46        M 11    Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Fannie              wife                  F          36        M 11    Mistress           Boarding house
                        Margrett           daughter           F          16        S          House work     Boarding house
                        Eliza                 daughter           F          14        S          none
                        Lydia                daughter           F          10        S          none
                        Mary D.           daughter           F            6        S          none
Terrill               C. Leon            boarder            M         27        S          Salesman          Grocery
Pearce              Herm S.           boarder            M         45        Wd      Sawyer             Lumber mill
                        Edwin               boarder            M         15        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
Mandigo           Miles                boarder            M         55        Wd      Laborer            Lumber mill
Boomhower     Chester             boarder            M         22        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
Francis             Ernest               boarder            M         23        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Manweel          boarder            M         27        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
Boomhower     Albert               boarder            M         19        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
Rezuides           Frank               boarder            M         23        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
Wells                William             boarder            M         40        M  6     Laborer            Lumber mill
Melhs               Virgin               boarder            M         31        M  4     Laborer            Lumber mill
Bernads            John                 boarder            M         26        M  3     Laborer            Lumber mill
Amara              C. Nicolet        boarder            M         27        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
Cario                Manweel          boarder            M         26        M  5     Laborer            Lumber mill
Pochico            Lucier               boarder            M         33        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
Repoco            David               boarder            M         24        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
Constant           Ernest              boarder            M         47        Wd      Laborer            Lumber mill
Melhs               Celestine          boarder            M         27        M  7     Laborer            Lumber mill
Badger             Deuerie            boarder            M         27        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
. . . . . . . . . . . . Arthur              boarder            M         20        S          Laborer            Lumber mill
Vegneault         Deuerie            boarder            M         21        S          Laborer            Lumber mill

Rapags             Manweel          Head                M         28        M  7     Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Rose                wife                  F          28        M  7     none
                        Manweel          son                   M           3        S          none
                        Mary                daughter           F            1        S          none

Seruton            Alonzo J.          Head                M         47        M 26    Engineer           Steam
                        Bertha              wife                  F          44        M 26    none
                        Walter              son                   M         22        S          Engineer           Stationary

Boomhower     Marvin             Head                M         29        M  2     Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Clara A.           wife                  F          27        M  2     none
                        Armatine          daughter           F          3m      . S          none    . . . . . . .[Albertine]

Morgan            Charles D.        Head                M         33        M  5     Granite cutter    Mason
                        Carrie               wife                  F          22        M  5     none
                        Doris                daughter           F            4        S          none
                        Charles D.        son                   M           2        S          none

Welch              Heman             Head                M         32        M  2     Laborer            Lumber mill
                        Flora A.           wife                  F          21        M  2     none

Here ends the enumeration of Groton Town