Section 1: Groton Village
Section 2: Groton Town

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1930 U.S. Census Population Schedules  (Groton Village, Vermont

National Archives [Microcopy T-626, Roll 2427]

Groton Village - Enumeration District 3-8 enumerated by Geo. H. Blanchard April 1930
as transcribed by John W. Benzie, March 2003 for the Groton Historical Society

Surname         Given              Relation          Sex      Age     Status Occupation      Industry

Morrison,         Orange B.        Head                M         60        M         Farmer             General Farm
                        Ella J.               wife                  F          58        M         none

Welch,             Loren G.          Head                M         73        Wd      Cobbler            Shoe & Harness Shop
McAllister,       Reta H.            daughter           F          36        Wd      none
                        Loren R.           grandson          M         12        S          none
Foley,               Donald W.       boarder            M         15        S          none

Benzie              John                Head                M         72        M         none
                        Mary T.            wife                  F          71        M         none

Benzie              James J.           Head                M         37        M         Mail Carrier      Government Mail
                        Helen M.          wife                  F          23        M         none
                        Willard J.          son                   M           1        S          none
                        Ina M.              daughter           F          <1        S          none

Foster              Ralph B.           Head                M         37        M         Manager           Retail Grain Store
                        Jessie M.          wife                  F          36        M         none
                        Dorothy M.      daughter           F          14        S          none
                        Jean E.             daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Martha M.        daughter           F            9        S          none 
                        Julia H. . . . . . . daughter           F            4        S          none

Ingram              George J.         Head                M         24        M         Stone Cutter     Granite Shed
                        Helen T.           wife                  F          18        M         none

Putnam . . . . . . Mattie E            Head               F          59        Wd      Nurse               General Practice
                        Dorothy P.       granddaughter   F          13        S          none
Blanchard         Norma L.         boarder            F          46        Wd      Clerk                Post Office
                        Lyman H.         boarder            M         22        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs

Carbee             Wilbur R.         Head                M         52        M         Manufacturer    Granite
                        Lilla P.              wife                  F          46        M         none

Hood               Cleveland         Head                M         43        M         Stone Cutter     Granite Shed
                        Eda L.              wife                  F          30        M         none
                        Faustina M.      daughter           F          12        S          none
                        Wallace V.       son                   M           2        S          none

Morrison          Franklin M.      Head                M         50        M         Laborer            Creamery
                        Elmira C.          wife                  F          44        M         none
                        Clyde H.          son                   M         22        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Ruffine J.          mother              F          77        Wd      none    

Brown              Robert N.         Head                M         29        M         Lumper            Granite Shed
                        Millie F.            wife                  F          28        M         none
                        Robert F          son                   M           3        S          none
                        Betty J. . . . . . . daughter           F            1        S          none

Knox                Minnie B.         Head                F          67        Wd      none

Hanchett           Franklin R.       Head                M         35        M         Mail Carrier      Government Mail
                        Mamie              wife                  F          33        M         none
                        Barbara E.        daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Hazel E.           daughter           F            9        S          none
                        Richard H.        son                   M           7        S          none

Vance              May L.             Head                F          62        Wd      none

Evans               Harley E.          Head                M         28        M         Truck Driver     Creamery
                        Hazel B.           wife                  F          26        M         none
                        Howard J.        son                   M           5        S          none
                        Harline H.         daughter           F            3        S          none

Page                 William H.        Head                M         44        M         Quarryman       Granite
                        May E.             wife                  F          42        M         none
                        Leona B.          daughter           F          16        S          none
                        Florance H.      daughter           F            9        S          none
Beckley            Merten E.         boarder            M         59        M         Manager           Telephone Co.

Leet                 Roosevelt H.    Head                M         30        M         Truckman         Creamery
                        Ruth G.            wife                  F          31        M         none
                        Stuart R.           son                   M           9        S          none
                        Duncan M.       son                   M           6        S          none
                        Delbert A.        son                   M           3        S          none
McKay            Duncan N.        father-in-law     M         76        Wd      none

Haskell . . . . . . George S.         Head                M         41        M         Chopper           Woods
                        Vesta C.           wife                  F          33        M         none
                        Glen G.            son                   M         15        S          none
                        Joyce I.            daughter           F          14        S          none
                        Guy R.             son                   M         12        S          none
                        Fay M.             daughter           F          10        S          none
                        Shirley R.         daughter           F            8        S          none
                        Vern T.            son                   M           5        S          none
                        Earl S.              son                   M         <1       S          none

Carpenter         Frederick E.     Head                M         59        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Jennie M.         wife                  F          58        M         Seamstress       at Home

Bailey               Percy J.            Head                M         52        M         Farmer             General Farm
                        Laura M.          wife                  F          51        M         none
                        Horace E.         son                   M         22        S          Laborer            General Farm
                        Florence M.     daughter           F          16        S          none

Smith                Gerald E.          Head                M         36        M         [Proprietor]      Retail Drug Store
                       Gladys H.         wife                  F          26        M         none
                        Dwight S.         son                   M           7        S          none
                        Gerald E. Jr.     son                   M           5        S          none
                        Grover L.         son                   M           4        S          none
                        Buddenae I.      daughter           F            2        S          none

Carpenter         Elmer J.            Head                M         36        M         Tax Collector   Town
                        Abbie E.           wife                  F          35        M         none
                        George D.        brother             M         30        M         Laborer            State Highway

Bain                 Frederick W.    Head                M         33        M         Lumber            Stone shed
                        Isabelle N.        wife                  F          28        M         Operator          Telephone
                        Geneva I.         daughter           F          10        S          none
                        Ruppert F.        son                   M           8        S          none

Caldwell           Vern G.            Head                M         31        M         Truck driver     Creamery
                        Ethel M.           wife                  F          32        M         none
                        Phyllis G.          daughter           F            9        S          none

Bailey               Charles J.         Head                M         62        M         Dealer              Retail Coal
                        Eva A.              wife                  F          63        M         none

Williams           Perley E.          Head                M         34        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Bernice A.        wife                  F          25        M         none
                        Frederick R.     son                   M           5        S          none
                        Merle E.           son                   M         <1        S          none

Olson               John P.             Head                M         46        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Gladys M.        wife                  F          31        M         none
                        Thomas D.       son                   M           9        S          none

Hayes               William . . . . . .Head                M         75        Wd      none
       . . . . . . . . .Amy E. . . . . . . servant             F          75        Wd      none

Bowles . . . . . . Lewis P.           Head                M         39        M         Laborer            Town roads
                        Annie L.           wife                  F          36        M         none
Brink                Trafford F.       [step]son          M         15        S          none
[Bowles]          Keith L.            son                   M           1        S          none

Henderson        James M.         Head                M         32        M         Truck driver     Town
                        Hazel I.            wife                  F          30        M         none
                        Henry J.           son                   M         12        S          none
                        Madlyn A.        daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Mamie J.          daughter           F            3        S          none
                        Harvey G.        son                   M           2        S          none

Hall                  Mary J.            Head                F          87        Wd      none
Darling . . . . . . Walter B.         boarder            M         67        M         Proprietor         Pool room
                        Rose N.           servant             F          57        M         Servant Private family

Hatch               John F.             Head                M         43        M         Foreman           R.R. Section
                        Nellie A.           wife                  F          37        M         none
                        Maxine E.         daughter           F          12        S          none
                        Paul H. . . . . . . .son                   M         11        S          none
                        Louise M.         daughter           F          10        S          none
                        Mary M.          daughter           F            7        S          none
                        Vern R.            son                   M           4        S          none

Hatch               John F. Jr.        Head                M         21        M         Laborer            Granite shed
                        Agnes H.          wife                  F          18        M         none

Keenan            Vina D.            Head                F          72        Wd      none
                        Pearl M.           daughter           F          41        S          Nurse

Puffer               Lorimer S.        Head                M         26        M         Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        Alice L.            wife                  F          24        M         none
                        Gordon L.        son                   M           4        S          none
                        Eugene W.       son                   M         <1        S          none

White               Frederick D.     Head                M         60        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Clara B.           wife                  F          57        M         none
                        Andrew J.        son                   M         31        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs

Taisey              George E.         Head                M         49        M         Truck driver     State road
                        Josephine D.     wife                  F          47        M         none
                        Phoebe A.        daughter           F            8        S          none
Carpenter         Ralph N.          boarder            M         41        S          Station agent     Railroad

Jones                Jackson            Head                M         60        M         Janitor              School house
                        Ellen J.             wife                  F          61        M         none

Taisey              Harry J.            Head                M         56        M         Barber              Owns shop
                        Mae S.             wife                  F          62        M         none
Ashford            Mary J .           boarder            F          13        S          none

Ricker              Nelson C.         Head                M         30        M         Engineer           Steam railroad
                     . .Dorothy A.       wife                  F          28        M         none
                        Paul N. . . . . . . son                   M           5        S          none
                        Philip J.            son                   M           2        S          none

McCrillis          Franklin D.       Head                M         67        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Carrie               wife                  F          62        M         none

Harris               Frederick D.     Head                M         62        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Emma J.           wife                  F          60        M         none

Renfrew           Eugene E.         Head                M         49        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Maude T.         wife                  F          48        M         none

Frost                Frederick         Head                M         42        M         Turner              Bobbin mill
                        Virgina E.         wife                  F          39        M         Nurse               Registered
                        Paul N. . . . . . . son                   M         11        S          none
                        Mildred J.         daughter           F            1        S          none
Welch              Warren G.        nephew            M         17        S          none
Ricker              Charles A.        father-in-law     M         75        M         none
                        Lottie               mother-in-law   F          70        M         none

Gandin             Aristide A.        Head                M         24        M         Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        Ivis A.              wife                  F          22        M         none
                        Allen L.            son                   M           1        S          none

Williams           Herm E.           Head                M         31        M         Mechanic         Auto repair shop
                        Ellen E. . . . . . .wife                  F          22        M         none
                        Isabel I.            daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Lucille M.         daughter           F            5        S          none
                        Loren E.           son                   M           4        S          none
                        Laura F.           daughter           F            3        S          none

Page                 John E. . . . . . .Head                M         63        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Mary E.            wife                  F          61        M         Launderer         at Home

Cassidy            William L.         Head                M         34        M         Mechanic         Auto repair shop
                        Addie M.         wife                  F          33        M         none
                        Durwood W.    son                   M         11        S          none
                        Gloria L.           daughter           F            3        S          none

Page                 Raymond A.     Head                M         22        M         Salesman          General store
                        Bessie L.          wife                  F          23        M         none
                        Richard C.        son                   M         <1        S          none

Blanchard         Lyman H.         Head                M         76        M         Farmer             General farm
. . . . . . . .         Jennie M.         wife                  F          71        M         none
                        Ira B.               son                   M         35        S          Laborer            Farm
                        Wells                brother             M         72        S          Laborer            Farm
Hall                  David M.          son-in-law        M         41        M         Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        Marian L.         daughter           F          41        M         none

Keenan            Lewis E            Head                M         49        M         none 
                        Hattie L.           wife                  F          41        M         none 
                        Albert L.          son                   M         21        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Lee N.             son                   M           6        S          none

Dennis              Richard W.       Head                M         66        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Victoria            wife                  F          64        M         Laundress         at Home

Fellows            Lizzie J.            Head                F          59        Wd      none

Chamberlin       Lillian M.          Head                F          61        Wd      none

Welch              Alexander G.    Head                M         77        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Adelia M.         wife                  F          67        M         none
                        Martha             sister                F          85        Wd      none

Edwards           Harley W.        Head                M         39        M         Blacksmith        Granite quarry
                        Orphie B.         wife                  F          32        M         none
                        Thelma M.        daughter           F            8        S          none
                        Lyle H. . . . . . . son                   M           2        S          none

Markey            Alba M.           Head                M         65        M         Paster               Methodist Church
                        Flora A.           wife                  F          41        M         none

Eastman           Alice G.            Head                F          48        Wd      none
                        Cyrus D.          son                   M         23        S          none
                        Seth N.            son                   M         19        S          none
                        Beradine           daughter           F            8        S          none

Carpenter         Warren E.        Head                M         51        M         Mail carrier       Government mail
                        Cora M.           wife                  F          36        M         none
                        Cecil M.           daughter           F          16        S          none
                        Jackson A.       son                   M         15        S          none
                        Dwight W.        son                   M         12        S          none
                        Theodore L.     son                   M         11        S          none
                        Hazel E.           daughter           M           9        S          none
                        Paul B.             son                   M           8        S          none
                        Beulah E.          daughter           F            7        S          none
                        George D.        son                   M           6        S          none

Fitzgerald         Elinor L.           Head                F          58        Wd      Keeper             Boarding house
                        Patrenle            son                   M         11        S          none
Clark                Oscar               boarder            M         69        S          none
Murray             Theodore         boarder            M         55        Wd      Laborer            Farm
Galvin               David               boarder            M         60        S          Stone cutter      Granite shed

Main                James W.         Head                M         47        M         Manufacturer    Granite
                        Laura M.          wife                  F          38        M         none    
                        Orabelle I.        daughter           F          19        S          none
                        Lona J.             daughter           F          15        S          none
                        Mary E.            daughter           F          11        S          none

Vance              Roy I.               Head                M         54        M         Contractor        Pulp wood
                        Lilliam A.          wife                  F          59        M         none
                        Maria J.            daughter           F          21        S          Servant . . . . . . .Boarding house
                        Leroy               son                   M         16        S          none

Helie                Frederick J.      Head                M         54        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Mary A.           wife                  F          54        M         none
Hay                  Estella              servant             F          15        S          Servant . . . . . . .Private family

Freer                Lester P.          Head                M         32        M         Manager           Creamery
                        Linnie V.          wife                  F          35        M         none
                        Madaline B       daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Newell E.         son                   M           4        S          none

French              John W.           Head                M         26        M         Salesman          General store
                        Nellie F.           wife                  F          21        M         none
                        Douglas J.        son                   M           1        S          none

McLam            George L.         Head                M         55        M         Retail Merchant  General store
                        Ida F.               wife                  F          53        M         none
                        Wendell R.       son                   M         22        S          Laborer            Granite shed
                        Elizabeth M.     daughter           F          16        S          none
                        Mary O.           daughter           F          14        S          none
                        Pauline             daughter           F          11        S          none

Lentz                Mary E.            Head                F          49        M         Proprietor         Restaurant
Page                 Chester M.       boarder            M         60        D         Blacksmith        Own shop
Jameson           Austin H.          boarder            M         37        S          Laborer            Blacksmith shop

Farmer             Charles I.         Head                M         55        M         Electrician         Power Corporation
                        May M.            wife                  F          42        M         none
Johnson            Mildred E.        step-daughter   F          15        S          none

Clark                Minnie G.         Head                F          47        Wd      none
                        Benjamin F.      son                   M         23        S          Musician           Orchestra
                        Ruby E.            daughter           F          18        S          none
                        Emma J.           mother-in-law   F          80        Wd      none

Millis                George H.        Head                M         63        M         Postmaster       Government P. O.
                        Lizzie B.           wife                  F          50        M         none

French              George L.         Head                M         70        M         Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        Nellie M.          wife                  F          66        M         none

Lang                 Minnie L.          Head                F          53        M         Teacher            Public school

Welch              Carlos B.          Head                M         72        M         none
                        Katie                wife                  F          51        M         Mistress           Boarding house
Scott                Alfred I.           boarder            M         47        S          Barber              Owns shop

Ricker              Carroll E.         Head                M         38        M         Retail Merchant  General store
                        Addie E.           wife                  F          40        M         none
                        Edmund R.       son                   M         14        S          none
Ricker              Katherine M.    daughter           F          <1        S          none

Darling . . . . . . Ellsworth E.      Head                M         68        Wd      none

Ricker              Edmund D.       Head                M         66        M         Retail Merchant   General store
                        Phoebe K.        wife                  F          61        M         none
Rowe               Leslie R.           nephew            M         25        S          Teacher            Public school

Goodine           Albert H.          Head                M         58        M         Foreman           R.R. section
                        Mattie J.           wife                  F          55        M         none
                        Henry A.          son                   M         27        S          Salesman          House to house
                        Carroll E.         son                   M         17        S          none

Coffrin              Albert W.         Head                M         75        M         none
                        Martha J.          wife                  F          67        M         none

Pillsbury           Wilson W.        Head                M         46        M         Laborer            Section railroad
                        Meribah E.       wife                  F          57        M         Operator          Telephone
                        Richard C.        son                   M         19        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Robert G.         son                   M         16        S          none
                        Roderick W.    son                   M         14        S          none

Carpenter         Walter T.          Head                M         25        M         Laborer            Granite shed
                        Doris H.           wife                  F          30        M         none
                        Gale G.            daughter           F            4        S          none

Pillsbury           Ralph T.           Head                M         21        M         Salesman          General store
                        Mildred L.        wife                  F          28        M         none
                        Ella N.              boarder            F          66        Wd      none

Page                 Irma B              Head                F          45        Wd      Nurse               General practice
                        Howard E.       son                   M         14        S          none
                        Carlene W.       daughter           F          12        S          none
                        Gordon H.        son                   M         11        S          none

Page                 Franklin W.      Head                M         84        Wd      none
Wrincle            Jennie S.           sister-in-law      F          85        S          none

|Page                 Alexander J.     Head                M         71/74   M         Laborer            Farm
                        Florence B.      wife                  F          71        M         none
Campbell          Alex F. . . . . . .grandson          M         10        S          none
                        Neil G.             grandson          M           9        S          none

Clark                George N.        Head                M         49        M        Carpenter         House
                        Lena B.            wife                  F          47        M         none
                        Almon N.         brother             M         61        Wd      none

Vance              Grant M.          Head                M         57        S          Farmer             General farm
                        Oscar B.          brother             M         54        S          Farmer             General farm
                        Lizzie R.           sister                F          38        S          none

Emery              Franklin J.        Head                M         35        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Clara L.            wife                  F          40        M         none

Johnson            Nellie A.           Head                F          53        Wd      Mistress           Boarding house
                        Thelma P.         daughter           F          21        S          Teacher            Public school
Donald             William I.          boarder            M         34        S          Laborer            Granite quarry

Lindsey            Ned B.             Head                M         35        M         Operator          Power plant
                        Abbie J.           wife                  F          34        M         none

Hendry             Clarance H.      Head                M         62        M         Traveler            Tire chains
                        Flora B.            wife                  F          50        M         none
Kittridge           Edward            father-in-law     M         73        Wd      none

White               John K.            Head                M         48        M         Retail Merchant  General store
                        Helene J.          wife                  F          53        M         none
                        Philip T.            son                   M         14        S          none

Smith                James H.          Head                M         59        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Jane E.             wife                  F          51        M         none

Hudson            George D.        Head                M         52        M         Pastor              Baptist Church
                        Blanche M.       wife                  F          47        M         none
                        Wilfred E.         son                   M         19        S          none
                        Arlington M.     son                   M           8        S          none
                        Pauline M.        daughter           F            8        S          none

Thurston           Peter W.          Head                M         27        M         Laborer            Granite shed
                        Mary D.           wife                  F          27        M         none
                        Geraldine M.    daughter           F            7        S          none
                        Kermit D.         son                   M           4        S          none

Wheeler           Martha             Head                F          48        Wd      Mistress           Boarding house
                        Hattie M.          daughter           F          17        S          none
                        Merton D.        son                   M         12        S          none
Dean                Harvey             Boarder            M         27        S          Laborer            Railroad

Robinson          Charles F.        Head                M         73        M         none
                        Emma H.          wife                  F          67        M         none
Heath               Paul D. . . . . . . nephew            M         18        S          none
                        Frederick W.    nephew            M         16        S          none

Dugad              George R.        Head                M         67        M         none
                        Jessie               wife                  F          70        M         none

Eastman           Roger               Head                M         43        M         Lumberman      Woods
                        Sarah L.           wife                  F          42        M         none
                        Earl B.              son                   M         23        S          Laborer            Woods
                        Harold L.         son                   M         19        S          Laborer            State road
                        Esther C.          daughter           F          18        S          none
                        Kenneth L.       son                   M         15        S          none
                        Dorothy L.       daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Lloyd B.           son                   M           9        S          none
                        Howard R.       son                   M           7        S          none
                        Carroll C.         son                   M           4        S          none
                        Vernold T.        son                   M         <1        S          none

Minor               Arthur J.           Head                M         58        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs

Bowen             Edward            Head                M         19        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs

Morien             Mary E.            Head                F          28        M         none
Dionne             Celester A.       son                   M         12        S          none
                        Wilfred A.        son                   M         10        S          none
                        Leo A.             son                   M           9        S          none
                        Raymond A.     son                   M           7        S          none
                        Evelyn I.           daughter           F            6        S          none
Dionne             Eleanor M.       daughter           F            3        S          none

Secchiari          G. E.                Head                M         46        M         Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        Cora                wife                  F          51        M         none
                        Spartaco          son                   M         14        S          none

Hood               Ernest E.          Head                M         48        M         Stationary Eng.  Granite quarry
                        Katie J .           wife                  F          47        M         Sec[ret]ary       [???????]
Hood               Clara R.           daughter           F          18        S          none
                        Estella G.          daughter           F          16        S          none
                        Gladys V.         daughter           F          13        S          none
                        Madilene I.       daughter           F            9        S          none

Dennis              Amasa T.         Head                M         45        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Mary L.            mother              F          70        Wd      none
Bailey               Edward A.       boarder            M         26        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs

Renfrew           Bert J.              Head                M         61        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Gertrude E.      wife                  F          54        M         none
                        Erma E.            daughter           F          20        S          none
                        Dwight M.        son                   M         16        S          none

Page                 Sewell A.         Head                M         32        M         Proprietor         Auto repair shop
                        Alice M.           wife                  F          31        M         none
                        Russell B.         son                   M         10        S          none
                        Ronald A.         son                   M           6        S          none

Eastman           Isaac S.            Head                M         63        M         Physician          General Medical Practice
                        Mable A.          wife                  F          37        M         none
                        Lucile A.          daughter           F          15        S          none
                        Clarance J.       son                   M         14        S          none

Smith                Emma J.           Head                F          40        Wd      Mistress           Private boarding house
                        Pauline H.         daughter           F          12        S          none
Strong              Dorothy H.       boarder            F          22        S          Teacher            Public school
Lord                 Alice E.            boarder            F          25        S          Teacher            Public school

Morrison          Harry T.           Head                M         43        M         Rural Letter Carrier  Government
                        Bessie A.          wife                  F          43        M         none
                        Austin B.          son                   M         10        S          none

Legare              Aurele E.          Head                M         60        M         Carpenter         Construction
                        Myrtle E.          wife                  F          48        M         Operator          Telephone
                        Ulric L. . . . . . . son                   M         24        S          Laborer            Road construction
                        Theresa M.       daughter           F          15        S          none
Gardner            Edward L.        father-in-law     M         72        Wd      none

Wilson              Levi                  Head                M         54        M         Patrolman         State highway
                        Frances A.       wife                  F          60        M         none

White               Minnie E.          Head                F          65        Wd      Domestic nurse  General practice
Roberts            Nellie M.          granddaughter   F          13        S          none

Frost                Elmer C.           Head                M         30        M         Carpenter         House
                        Vera L .           wife                  F          30        M         none
                        Evelyn C.         daughter           F            2        S          none

Welch              Nelson W.        Head                M         46        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Bessie M.         wife                  F          44        M         none
                        Annie M.          daughter           F          12        S          none
                        Stanley R.         son                   M           9        S          none
                        Francis A.        son                   M           8        S          none
                        Richard F.        son                   M           4        S          none

French              Louis L.            Head                M         41        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Margaret E.      wife                  F          30        M         none
French              Bartlett C.        son                   M         14        S          none
                        Lucile B.           daughter           F            6        S          none
                        Barbara L.        daughter           F            2        S          none
                        Greta J.            daughter           F          <1        S          none
Dow                 Helen M.          step-daughter   F          13        S          none

Welch              William G.        Head                M         47        M         Inspector          State billboard
                        Rose M.           wife                  F          51        M         none
                        Joanna A.         daughter           F          23        S          none
                        Cora E.            mother              F          71        Wd      none

Smith                Preston A.        Head                M         70        M         Clerk                Town
                        Jennie F.           wife                  F          65        M         Teacher            Private music

Parker              Ernest M.         Head                M         44        M         Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        Louise E.          wife                  F          51        M         none
Carpenter         Dorothy L.       step-daughter   F          15        S          none
                        Kendall S.        step-son           M         13        S          none

Tillotson           Nora R.            Head                F          44        Wd      Teacher            Public school
                        Henry L.           son                   M         12        S          none
Kennedy          Cora C.            boarder            F          52        S          Teacher            Public school

Page                 Leslie G.           Head                M         24        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Elizabeth E.      wife                  F          21        M         none
                        Geraldine R.     daughter           F            1        S          none
Hart                 Georgia            mother-in-law   F          48        Wd      none
                        Nelson             brother-in-law  M         18        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Bernard            brother-in-law  M         15        S          none

Blanchard         Lee S.              Head                M         49        M         Retail merchant  General store
                        Elizabeth N.      wife                  F          52        M         none
                        George H.        son                   M         25        S          Salesman          General retail store
                        Margaret M.     daughter           F          17        S          Saleslady          General retail store

Purcell              Anna M.           Head                F          70        Wd

                        Here ends the enumeration of Groton Village (3-8)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1930 U.S. Census Population Schedules  (Groton Town, VT)

National Archives [Microcopy T-626, Roll 2427]
Groton Town - Enumeration District 3-9 enumerated by Geo H. Blanchard April 1930
as transcribed by John W. Willard for the Groton Historical Society, March 2002

Surname         Given              Relation          Sex      Age     Status Occupation      Industry

Frost                Orange C.        Head                M         58        M         Carpenter         House
                        Mattie J.           wife                  F          51        M         none
                        Della L.            daughter           F          22        S          Teacher            Public school
                        Vern H.            son                   M         18        S          Carpenter         House
Converse          Fay M.             boarder            M         13        S          none

Ricker              Samuel P.         Head                M         62        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Mary                wife                  F          35        M         none
                        Rupert H.         son                   M         21        S          Laborer            Farm
Ricker              Pearl B.            son                   M         10        S          none
                        Robert              son                   M           8        S          none

Corruth            Charles E.        Head                M         64        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Catherine J.      wife                  F          48        M         none
Smith                Lawrence H.    step-son           M         27        S          Teletrapher       Railroad

Ashford            Henry               Head                M         59        M         Polisher            Granite shed
                        Mary I.             wife                  F          58        M         none
                        Justin M.          son                   M         25        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Mary G.         daughter-in-law  F          16        M         none
                        Dorothy S.       granddaughter   F          14        S          none

Cochran           Franklin L.        Head                M         69        M         Teamster          Woods Lumber
                        Alice M.           wife                  F          59        M         none

Page                 Heman B.         Head                M         64        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Boutwell Alice  wife                  F          62        M         none
                        Malcolm V.      son                   M         41        D         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Eunice L.          granddaughter   F          15        S          none

Frost                Moses M.        Head                M         50        M         Section Head    Railroad
                        Hannah L.        wife                  F          36        M         none
Eggleston          James H.          step-son           M         13        S          none
                        Willard R.         step-son           M         11        S          none
                        Ernest L.          step-son           M           8        S          none

McQueen         Joseph L.         Head                M         40        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Margaret A.     wife                  F          30        M         none
                        Hazel L.           daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Thressa L.        daughter           F            9        S          none
                        Marjorie I.        daughter           F            7        S          none
                        Joseph F.         son                   M           3        S          none

Shepard           Franklin F.        Head                M         44        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Rose                wife                  F          34        M         none
                        Russell              son                   M         18        S          Laborer            Farm
                        Matthew           son                   M         15        S          none
                        Clohe               daughter           F          13        S          none
                        Alberta             daughter           F          11        S          none
   . . . . . . . . . . .Stanley             son                   M           9        S          none
                        Donald             son                   M           5        S          none
                        Raymond          son                   M           3        S          none
                        Newton            son                   M         <1        S          none

Corruth            Franklin J.        Head                M         66        Wd      Farmer             General farm
Darling . . . . . . Abbie B.          daughter           F          31        M         Canvasser        House to house
                        Lloyd M.          son-in-law        M         34        M         Lumper            Granite shed

Shatney            Charles N.        Head                M         30        M         Quarryman       Granite
                        Mildred R.        wife                  F          19        M         none

Crown              Lenoard W.      Head                M         54        D         Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        C.                    mother              F          76        Wd      none

Crown              Orrin M.           Head                M         76        M         Farmer             General farm
                        M. C.               wife                  F          66        M         none
Page                 Franklin W.      brother-in-law  M         73        Wd      Laborer            Farm

Welch              Leverett            Head                M         70        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Minnie V.         wife                  F          66        M         none
                        Harry N.          nephew            M         20        S          Laborer            Farm

Bailey               Ralph P.           Head                M         29        M         Teamster          Woods & farm
                        Goldie P.          wife                  F          23        M         none
                        Princetta L.       daughter           F            6        S          none

Beck                Orrin R.            Head                M         25        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Mary K.           wife                  F          25        M         none

|Hart                 Stephen A.       Head                M         27        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Katie M.          wife                  F          22        M         none
                        Stephen W.      son                   M           3        S          none
                        Lenora G.         daughter           F            1        S          none

McDonald        Clarence E.      Head                M         42        M         Foreman           Road contractor
                        Dora I.             wife                  F          33        M         none

Emery              Alfred M.         Head                M         55        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs
Forrest             Elsie P. . . . . . . boarder            F          62        Wd      [?]                    Private family
Emery              Elbridge J.        boarder            M         69        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs

Page                 Ellery C.           Head                M         61        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Effie L. . . . . . . .wife                  F          44        M         none
                        Freda I.            daughter           F          19        S          Servant . . . . . . .Private family
                        Mary V.           daughter           F          15        S          none
                        Pearline D.       daughter           F          13        S          none

Hayes               Frederick E.     Head                M         48        M         Carpenter         House
                        M. Blanche       wife                  F          48        M         none
                        Nelson W.        brother             M         50        S          Laborer            Farm

Thurston           Ora E.              Head                M         70        M         Turner              Sawmill
                        Olive I  .           wife                  F          62        M         none

Adams             James A.          Head                M         65        S          none

Vance              George R.        Head                M         25        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Helen A.           wife                  F          22        M         none
                        William R.        son                   M           4        S          none

Daniels . . . . . . Hiram W.         Head                M         61        M         Lumberman      Woods
                        Sophrania B.    wife                  F          47        M         none
                        William E.         son                   M         25        S          Chopper           Woods
                        Andrew A.       son                   M         18        S          Teamster          Woods
                        Emma J.           daughter           F          16        S          none
                        Clara E.            daughter           F          14        S          none
                        Roland O.        son                   M         12        S          none
                        Richard H.        son                   M           6        S          none

Thompson        Arthur W.         Head                M         51        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs
Lowell              Lila M.             boarder            F          50        D         Farmer             Poultry

Williams           Carroll M.        Head                M         38        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Millie L.            wife                  F          28        M         none
                        Eleanor M.       daughter           F            9        S          none
                        Myrtle I.           daughter           F            7        S          none
Williams           Lois A. . . . . . . daughter           F            4        S          none

Hatch               Clyde F.           Head                M         23        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Edna J.             wife                  F          19        M         none
                        Mary J .           step-daughter   F            1        S          none
                        Neil R.             son                   M         <1        S          none

Goodwin          George E.         Head                M         43        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Elizabeth M.     wife                  F          39        M         none
                        Ruth H.            daughter           F          18        S          none
                        Edwin A.          son                   M         15        S          none
                        Doris L.            son[?]               M[?]    12        S          none     [Sex is apparently wrong]

Morrison          Carrie               Head                F          65        Wd      Farmer             General farm
Plummer           Martha J.          sister-in-law      F          69        S          none
Welch              Robert C.         boarder            M         13        S          Farm helper      General farm

Welch              Hosea N.         Head                M         69        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Margaret H.     wife                  F          66        M         none
Caldwell           Hosea W.         nephew            M         46        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs

Bartlett             Felix                 Head                M         47        M         Quarryman       Granite
                        Carrie I.           wife                  F          46        M         Laundress         at Home
                        Edith M.           daughter           F          19        S          none
                        Margaret E.      daughter           F          17        S          none

Brown              Burton L.          Head                M         36        M         Merchant retail  Groceries & Meat
                        Minnie L.          wife                  F          36        M         none
                        Newton D.       son                   M         11        S          none
                        Barbara L.        daughter           F            8        S          none
                        Chestine E.       daughter           F            5        S          none

Darling . . . . . . Calvin L.          Head                M         45        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Zoa I.               wife                  F          42        M         none
                        Perley L.          son                   M         21        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Viola M.           daughter           F          17        S          none
                        Clifford C.        son                   M         11        S          none
                        Cleason            son                   M           9        S          none
     . . . . . . . . . .Delton D.         son                   M           8        S          none
                        Eugene W.       son                   M           7        S          none
                        Beatrice M.      daughter           F            3        S          none

Crown              Sophrena M.    Head                F          69        Wd      Farmer             General farm
Morrison          Milisa               sister                F          66        Wd      none

Hood               Herbert E.        Head                M         64        Wd      Farmer             General farm

Annis                Sylvanus L.       Head                M         66        M         Section hand     Steam railroad
                        Fannie B.          wife                  F          56        M         none
                        Vena S.            daughter           F          14        S          none

Carter              Merten M.        Head                M         56        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Belle A.            wife                  F          51        M         none
                        Edwin R.          son                   M         29        S          none
                        Theadore          son                   M         26        S          Laborer            General farm

Frost                Isaiah B.           Head                M         49        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Margaret E.      wife                  F          48        M         none
Williams           Leslie A.           boarder            M         28        S          Laborer            General farm

Orr                   Washington      Head                M         75        Wd      Farmer             General farm
Hutchinson       Flora                Servant . . . . . . F          53        Wd      Housekeeper    Private family

Welch              Orange H.        Head                M         55        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Chestine M.      wife                  F          50        M         none
                        Harry M.          son                   M         15        S          none
Emery              Martha S.         servant             F          21        S          Servant . . . . . . Private family
Dimock            Henry J.           servant             M         30        S          Laborer            General farm
                        George E.         servant             M         27        S          Laborer            General farm

Coruth              George             Head                M         67        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Annie A.           wife                  F          57        M         none
                        Harley G.         son                   M         25        S          Salesman          House to house

Whitehill           Nelson W.        Head                M         53        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Jessie A.           wife                  F          50        M         none
                        Laura M.          daughter           F          18        S          none
Wheeler           Leslie E.           servant             M         25        S          Laborer            General farm

Somers . . . . . .Gilman S.         Head                M         42        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Ida M.              wife                  F          47        M         none

Caldwell           Joseph C.         Head                M         45        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Addie E.           wife                  F          45        M         none
                        Gwendaline R. daughter            F          14        S          none
                        Conrad H.        son                   M           9        S          none

Welch              Stephen N.       Head                M         54        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Lizzie M.          wife                  F          55        M         none
                        Earl E.              son                   M         32        S          Laborer            General farm
                        Linwood T.      son                   M         21        S          Laborer            General farm
                        Seth E.             son                   M         15        S          none
                        Elizabeth           daughter           F            9        S          none
                        Elmira C.          mother              F          79        Wd      none

Pierce               Edgar               Head                M         58        Wd      Farmer             General farm
                        Clyde H.          son                   M         20        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Norris J.           son                   M         18        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Ben G.             son                   M         16        S          none
Snow               Earl M. . . . . . . servant             M         39        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Leona B.          servant             F          44        M         servant             Private family
                        Tyla W.            boarder            M         19        S          none
                        Earl M.Jr.         boarder            M           3        S          none

Cassidy            Henry W.         Head                M         40        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Meroa  E.         wife                  F          32        M         none
                        Theresa M.       daughter           F            2        S          none

Fellows            Joseph              Head                M         35        S          Farmer             General farm
Heath               Waldo H.         brother-in-law  M         33        M         Laborer            General farm
                        Miria E.            sister                F          31        M         none
                        Waldo Z.          nephew            M           3        S          none

Page                 Delvan D.         Head                M         37        M         Quarryman       Granite
                        Eliza S. . . . . . . wife                  F          35        M         none
Page                 Shirley K.         daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Margaret          daughter           F            7        S          none
                        Phyllis I.           daughter           F            5        S          none

Pomeroy          William             Head                M         51        S          Pulp cutter        Woods lumber

Page                 Horace A.        Head                M         24        S          Farmer             General farm
                        Minnie B.         mother              F          52        Wd      none

Page                 Carrie A.          Head                F          59        Wd      none

Randall . . . . . . Moses H.         Head                M         60        Wd      Gardner            General private
Hemaozapa      Joseph              boarder            M         39        S          Chopper           Woods lumber
Brown              Charles . . . . . . boarder            M         48        S          Laborer            Woods

Wright              Sidney J.          Head                M         36        M         Manager           Chain grain store
                        Celia M.           wife                  F          31        M         none
                        Edith I.             daughter           F          11        S          none
                        Charles R.        son                   M           9        S          none
                        John H .           son                   M           8        S          none
                        Marjorie I.        daughter           F            6        S          none
                        Rudolph F.       son                   M           1        S          none

Fulton               Bertha M.         Head                F          57        Wd      none

Fifield               Elwin I. . . . . . . Head                M         48        M         Laborer            Sawmill
                        Ethel M.           wife                  F          50        M         none
                        Donald K.        son                   M         21        S          Mechanic         Auto repair shop
                        Clifton W.        son                   M         16        S          none
                        Stanley E.         son                   M         13        S          none
                        Vera J.             daughter           F          10        S          none
                        Dale A.            son                   M           5        S          none

McDonald        Eben M.           Head                M         33        M         Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        Alice M.           wife                  F          20        M         none
                        Floyd E.           son                   M           3        S          none
                        Muriel E.          daughter           F            1        S          none

Whitehill           Ernest F.          Head                M         34        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Frances M.       wife                  F          18        M         none
                        Arnold G.         son                   M         12        S          none
                        Mildred F.        daughter           F          <1        S          none
Whitehill           Ivan A.             son                   M         10        S          none

Sayers              Fred H.            Head                M         27        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Helen A.           wife                  F          28        M         none
                        Pearl L.            daughter           F            2        S          none
                        Ida M.              daughter           F          <1        S          none
                        Glenora            sister                F            9        S          none

Ricker              Hermon P.        Head                M         54        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Ida M.              wife                  F          57        M         Teacher            Public school
                        George H.        son                   M         28        S          Teacher            Public school

McDonald        John M.            Head                M         62        M         Stone cutter      Granite shed
                        Effie A. . . . . . . wife                  F          55        M         none
                        John M. Jr.       son                   M         26        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs

Hood               Bert H.             Head                M         45        M         Farmer             General farm
Hood               Annie J.            wife                  F          42        M         none
                        Anna L.            daughter           F          18        S          none
                        Thelma A.        daughter           F          13        S          none
                        Horace N.        son                   M           9        S          none
                        Velma A.          daughter           F            8        S          none
                        Agnes L.          daughter           F            4        S          none
                        Laura A.           mother              F          85        Wd      none
Emery              Irving C.           boarder            M         29        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs
Beck                Harold E.         brother-in-law  M         22        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs

Bridges . . . . . . Robert J.          Head                M         42        S          Farmer             General farm
Davis                Mildred I.         servant             F          38        Wd      none
                        Erci                  boarder            M         10        S          none
                        Myrtle I.           boarder            F            8        S          none
                        Evelyn M.         boarder            F            6        S          none

Legare              William J.         Head                M         32        M         Laborer            Woods
                        Yvonne M.       wife                  F          29        M         none
                        Dora                daughter           F            9        S          none
                        Alma                daughter           F            7        S          none
                        Blanche            daughter           F            6        S          none
                        Claire               son                   M           4        S          none
                        William Jr.        son                   M           3        S          none
                        Donald             son                   M           1        S          none

Evans               Ralph E.           Head                M         46        M         Carpenter         House
                        Bessie M.         wife                  F          36        M         none
                        Ralph H.           son                   M         17        S          none
                        Carl C.             son                   M         16        S          none
                        Edwin M.         son                   M         14        S          none
                        Richard            son                   M         12        S          none
                        Irving A.           son                   M         10        S          none
                        Bertha M.         daughter           F            5        S          none

Emery              Mary T.            Head                F          54        Wd      Manager           General farm
                        Clinton O.        son                   M         24        M         Laborer            General farm
                        William R.        son                   M         14        S          none
                        Elsie R. . . . . . .daughter           F          13        S          none
                        Luvia V.           daughter-in-law F         20        M         none
                        William N.        grandson          M           1        S          none

Baldwin            Eben H.            Head                M         47        S          Farmer             General farm
                        Mariah             mother              F          86        Wd      none
Hood               Elwin R.           boarder            M         26        M         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Althea E.          boarder            F          20        M         none

Dunn                Carlos M.         Head                M         23        S          Farmer             General farm
                        Arvilla W.         mother              F          55        Wd      none
                        Annabelle         sister                F          21        S          none
Morton . . . . . .Wentworth B.   boarder            M         66        Wd      Lumberman      Woods

Page                 Bert C.             Head                M         50        S          Farmer             General farm
                        Mary A.           mother              F          80        Wd      none

Dana                William G.        Head                M         31        M         Farmer             General farm
Welch              Clarence D.      boarder            M         23        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs

Lund                Lewis E.           Head                M         55        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Florence N.      wife                  F          54        M         none
                        Jennie H.          daughter           F          17        S          none

Welch              Edward A.       Head                M         44        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Laura L.           wife                  F          36        M         none
                        Edward L.        son                   M         17        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Walter F.          son                   M         13        S          none
                        Ellis R.  . . . . . . son                   M           6        S          none
                        Hemon A.        brother             M         51        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs
Emery              Harry               boarder            M         20        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs

Welch              Jacob H.          Head                M         56        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Annie W.          wife                  F          52        M         none
Main                Bernice I.         step-daughter   F          16        S          none
                        Walter G.         step-son           M         14        S          none
                        Mary I.             daughter           F          10        S          none
Bernie              Isabelle . . . . . . mother-in-law   F          79        Wd      none

Smith                Albert E.          Head                M         58        M         Caretaker         Trout Ranch
                        Mercy M.         wife                  F          53        M         Matron             Trout Ranch

Darling . . . . . . William F.         Head                M         43        Wd      Farmer             General farm
                        Guy L.              son                   M         18        S          none
                        Gerald R.         son                   M           8        S          none
                        Lillian R.           daughter           F            6        S          none
Bixby               Ester J.             servant             F          33        Wd      Housekeeper    Private family
                        Dorothy H.       boarder            F          15        S          none
                        Leslie P.           boarder            M         14        S          none
                        Edward W.      boarder            M         12        S          none

Goodwin          I. Henry            Head                M         53        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Grace E.           wife                  F          35        M         none
                        Orlo D.            son                   M         16        S          none
Goodwin          Warren C.        son                   M           8        S          none
                        Priscilla E.        daughter           F            7        S          none

Emery              Ammon            Head                M         61        Wd      Laborer            Woods lumber
                    . . Richard E.        son                   M         11        S          none

Graham            Malcolm R.      Head                M         32        S          Farmer             General farm
                        Lillian R.           mother              F          53        Wd      none
                        Kenneth N.      brother             M         23        S          none
                        Murdina D.       sister                F          17        S          none

Marcau            Raymond H.     Head                M         20        S          Laborer            Odd Jobs

Ricker              Joseph              Head                M         47        S          Farmer             General farm
                        Bessie              sister                F          45        S          none
Hatch               Gerald F.          servant             M         16        S          Laborer            General farm

Vance              Carl H.             Head                M         43        S          Farmer             General farm
                        Maria R.           mother              F          74        Wd      none

Saunders          James E.           Head                M         66        M         Farmer             General farm
Saunder            Lillian L.           wife                  F          62        M         none

Ricker              Harry M.          Head                M         63        M         Proprietor         Lumber business
                        Fannie M.         wife                  F          63        M         Postmistress     Government Office
                        Milton B.          son                   M         25        S          none
                        Raymond A      son                   M         23        S          Laborer            Saw Mill

Boomhower     Marvin G.         Head                M         49        M         Laborer            Saw Mill
                        Clara A.           wife                  F          47        M         none
                        Howard M.      son                   M         17        S          none
                        Gordon H.        son                   M         15        S          none
                        Ellis J.               son                   M         11        S          none

Williams           Ernest L.          Head                M         26        M         Laborer            Saw Mill
                        Arlene G.         wife                  F          19        M         none
                        Wilbur K.         son                   M         <1        S          none

Thurston           Walter F.          Head                M         44        M         Laborer            Saw Mill
                        Jennie E.           wife                  F          42        M         none
                        Murdena I.       daughter           F          13        S          none

Frost                Arron H.          Head                M         59        M         Laborer            Saw Mill
                        Louisa D.         wife                  F          54        M         none
                        Allie C  .           son                   M         29        D         Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Lee G.              son                   M         27        Wd      Laborer            Odd Jobs
                        Christine M.     granddaughter   F            3        S          none

Darling . . . . . . Harold T.         Head                M         24        M         Laborer            Saw Mill
                        Nina F. . . . . . .wife                  F          20        M         none
                        Madeline V.     daughter           F            2        S          none
                        Harold F.         son                   M         <1        S          none

Emery              Lillian C.           Head                F          46        Wd      none
                        Gerald A.         son                   M         11        S          none

Annis                William . . . . . .Head                M         60        Wd      Laborer            Odd Jobs

Emery              Grant I .           Head                M         56        M         Farmer             General farm
                        Abbie               wife                  F          53        M         none
                        Benjamin G.     son                   M         18        S          Laborer            General farm
Daniels . . . . . . Ethel M.           neice                F          24        S          Registered Nurse  Private family

Whitehill           Crissa I.           Head                F          74        Wd      none